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whew, lots been happenin the last couple of weeks, i tell ya what. school is in full swing and so are the parties. im kinda happy to say that i havent been partying as much as i thought id would, partly cus i dont know but so many people and partly cus i have lots to do still gettin all my stuff put together and homework n all.

lifes been crazy i tell ya. there is so much to do here its kinda overwhelming and im kinda scared that ima blow all my money too soon... eh, fuck a stupid rent payment >:0

if your trying to hunt me down youll do best to wait til about 5 o clock for me to get online, my aim name is chrisver8 or call the house 329-0494. about nine or so i go to work out at medenhall with some buddies so if your on campus you can find us in the gym or playin BLITZBALL in the pool :-D

still alot of homework to do and i have to put my desk together, so ill talk to everyone later, take it easy and be careful.

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hmm, everything is updated, and unless im the biggest damn hypocrite alive, i should have some new sections so go check em out.

thats about all thats worth sayin here... go ahead now... GIT!