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About Me
Pic Of The Week



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Created Friends Page
12/1/2003 4:04:06 PM

I created the friends page today. I havent put everyone on there that i
plan to!
I still want some of you to send me pics to put on there, that is
if you want to be on the page. Dont be mad if you arent there yet, theres more
to come.

Added More Pages
11/25/2003 3:40:41 PM

I added the About Me,Pic of the Week, and Links pages today. They work..but the pic of the week
page isnt much, but i dont know what else to put on it. Anyway I really think my site
is boring and needs more creative so if anyone has serious suggestions then AIM me or
mail me!

Website Up
11/24/2003 9:29:40 PM

As you can see the links on this website do not work.
But thats just because i havent done any work on those pages. But dont worry they will be along
soon enough. I can manage working on this page, its a very basic layout. So enjoy!

Chris Hair 2003