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Soon this will link you to burn pics...but for now check out my friends

Check back for CFD Apparatus pictures...but check out the pics of my friends

The Great Golfer at Play...

Click here to listen to me live at work!



Gregory's Website Version 3 Bravo
Welcome to My Website!

Y'all Come on in and check out what's new!

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Hi There! My name is Greg Hauser, and this is my website. I'm originally from Washington, Mass. (A small suburb of the great town of Becket, Mass.) up in the frigid cold Berkshires. So I went to college in Conneticut at UNH (yeah that's Yale on the Hill for you common folk). Some how in a round about way I ended up down South, and now I live in the great City of Concord, right outside of the QC in the C of C in the NC of this great old US of A. I share a Bachelor Pad with my buddy Marron (from College), we both work for the Charlotte Fire Department (the Greatest Fire Department in the World) and we just joined up with the Cabarrus County Rescue Squad. About a year and a half ago, I met a nice little Southern Belle named Meghan, down here, and we're just out enjoyin' life, livin' it up here DOWN SOUTH! Want to know more...Click on the email link and Email me!