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Aunty Char and Aunty Nikki…

old ladies in crime.

They know thier shit!

Aunty Char and Nikki at work..hehee

« Q A Letter 1

Dear Aunty Nikki,

There is this boy at school and well you see he has started to have a crush on me, but he's really quite creepy. He walks around all day with a flat bag, and insists that for the survival of the world he need pick his nose at regular hourly intervals, what should I do?

Afraid of Creepy Boys..

Dear Afraid of Creepy Boys.

Eww he picks his nose, what a loser! Look this guy has no style and even less of a personality; I mean this guy really is a total loser…totally…a loser…yeh…. OK well what I say is to totally diss this guy and then go buy him some tissues or something, maybe his even more socially inept mother forgot to teach him to blow his nose

Always Yours

Aunty Nikki

« Q A Letter 2

Dear Aunty Char

It Seems that every boy that I want to kiss doesn't want to kiss me back! I have no idea why, I'm really cool, well at least my mum says so. I have two friends at school which was better than my brother did he only had the lab rat as a friend. Anyways so when I go up to kiss I always have a routine I follow. I first go up and and look him up and down then say in a husky voice, "I'm going to marry you" then when I try to jump into his arms for a loving moment he usually drops me and runs away! I just don't get it...can you help Aunty Char? because I think Aunty Nikki would just laugh at me.

Lost and Lonely

Dear my darling lost and lonely,

Well of course a boy wont kiss u if u jump into his arms and kiss him. How about sum flirtin first? Try making coversation?

Your's Aunty Char

THE OLD LADIES!!!..they know thier shit

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