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My Personal Websites

Main Page
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Men Only
Old Page
DaCrew Inc . Family
Alegna Publishing (Music)
More 2 Come
More 2 Come
For Lame On Blackvoices

HTML Page Transitions! .... ....

::The Welcome Mat::
I would personally like to welcome
all who visit my page today, tomorrow
and forever. I hope you enjoy your
stay and come back often. I hope that
each of you is touched in some way and that your life is richly blessed and
that u make a positive difference in someones life based on anything u may read here.

Member Since: Last Year Sometime

Ms Ajai

100% Female

Single 4 Now

100% Heterosexual

Do U Feel Me?

From:North Carolina


29 yrs old (30 real soon)

No Kids

No Money/Job/And No Time 4 Your Bull**** *lol

Keep It Real & Be Nice 2 One Another

«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.).·´`·» «*arealgoodgirl*»«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»
~*Ready 4 Love*~

I love u unconditionally!

::Thanks 4 Coming::
Now For The Fella`s
with Issues and Stalker Potential Please Click here:
4 The Confused Brothas


Thanks for coming ....
*music plays in background..
"you got it got it bad when you`re on the phone..hang up...and you call right back got it bad when you miss a day without your friend and your whole lifes off track know you got it bad when you`re stuck in the house and you dont wanna have fun cause all you think about got it bad when you`re out with someone
but you keep on thinking `bout someone else"

I`m so glad you made it baby (*hug)

....the weather here is great...
and now that you`re here
it`s gonna be a whole lot better.
Just look around

this is the perfect place for
us to get to know each other better.
Hmmmm..where should we start....
we could take a walk on the beach and maybe
sit and talk about our hopes
and dreams and goals

I have been waiting so long for you..
I sit around dreaming of us flying
away and you proposing to me on the Eiffel Tower
and strolling through
the village`s there holding hands

Maybe we can go to a local cafe for lunch and we can talk about us...

about how we have both matured
and we are both now ready to
settle down and discover real love together.
You can tell me how tired you are
of the games and the girl`s who
want you for your looks, your money,
your bedroom skills...and
now you want someone who wants
you for the complete package...
the real you...
the one who will iron your boxers...
run your bath water and give you a bath...
make sure you have a hot meal for breakfast
and dinner and lunch if its like that...
someone who makes sure you`re satisfied first...
someone who doesn`t always have their hand out
for "your" dough but has
their own thing going on..
someone who your friends actually like...
someone who you think
about in the middle of the day...
someone who when you say you`re going to play
ball with your boys says "dunk one for me boo"..
instead of "yeah right"...
someone who will be a good mother/role model
to your kids(present or future)..
someone who actually caresabout your kids..not just tolerates them...
a good wife...
someone you actually want to be around..
who makes you laugh...
who makes you daydream...
who supports your goals....
asks you how your day you`re feeling...
someone who won`t check your phone
or pager while you`re in the shower..
someone who your mom, grandmother and favorite auntie adores
(cause you know they know)...
someone your whole family hopes you`ll
settle down with...
someone who will get up at 3 am after
some good loving and make you
a hella "sammich" *lol
( I know I am making hard
for us sisters but just remember what
u wont do someone else will). Or maybe we
can have a picnic ..and
you can lay your head on my chest
and tell me how your day was and what your needs are...
I can rub your shoulders
and your back and tell you
it will be ok because I am here
now and theres nothing like a strong
black woman who
supports her strong black man.
Or how about going into the city tonight..
and go to this hot spot and listen to some jazz or poetry or maybe dance the night away
Maybe we could write something for each
other and stand up and testify to the crowd,
letting them feel the heat that
we feel for each other..
then we can can come back and watch
the sunset..and we can
hold each other...
maybe I can feed you some cheese
and bread with a little wine..
...ok alot of wine..

and just maybe...just maybe
... if we pray real hard....
you`ll stay forever ... and
I won`t wake up..and all
this will be real......

Check out my main BlackPlanet Page here:

«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.).·´`·»*True Love Never Dies*«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»
~*Can U Handle It?*~

Can't Live With Them...Can't Live Without Them




More info coming December 2001
When A Woman`s Fed Up

**Author Unknown**
A man comes home from work early to surprise
his wife with flowers and candy and finds that
she`s already got something planned.
The computer is on and there is note written on it.
He sits down in front of the computer and
notices his handgun on one side of the computer
and on the other side, an empty container of
pain pills. He reads the message:

"By the time you read this I will already be dead,
so don`t get too excited. Don`t bother
looking around the house for me either.
Of course I didn`t want my body where my children
may see, for they have already seen enough.
They have already had to endure far too many
years of seeing their mother being tortured by
the man they are supposed to look up to.
But even though I know I am going to hurt them
dearly, I cannot live like this anymore.
So, I am taking these pain pills, prescribed for the
kind of pain you inflict and I am going
somewhere to take a nap.
Don`t bother looking for me, just sit there and
do something that you haven`t been able to do
for the last ten years...listen to me. Now that I
had to go and kill myself to get your
attention, the least you can do is finish
reading this letter. I have been writing it
over and over in my head for years. Every time
that you beat me I had to rewrite it to add to
the horror. Besides Ididn`t want you to find
me after I died because the thought of you
touching me even after death turns my stomach.
I refuse to let you touch me again, in life or
death.I chose to die because I promised God whenI
married you that I would love you for life. And
since I am more afraid of him than you, I chose
death. I cannot love you anymore so I have to
leave this place. As I look around to this
house, you know its funny but I can remember
the good times that we shared together. Before
the babies, before the drinking, do you
remember? I do, and it was good back then. It
was almost good enough to give me a little hope
that we could get back to those times. And they
were good times. I guess I have to settle with

the fact that no matter what`s going on right
now, you once loved me, and even you can`t deny
that. I think what hurts more than my ribs that
are stinging me right now is the fact that I
still love you. (to be continued on page 3)

Page 3

also check out page 2
Page 2

Please stop by my place anytime-back to BlackPlanet

-|[.:A Word 4 Tha Wise:. ]|- -|[.:SHOUTOUTS:.]|-

Now for all the people who still believe in love unlike me...make it work...make it last. Don`t sabatoge a good thing before it even gets started. If you love/like someone...TELL THEM. What have you got to lose. You can`t spend your life worrying about getting hurt again...or waste time with someone you dont even give a damn about. Don`t you deserve better? Not all men are dogs..and not all women are chickenheads. And find ONE person and kick it with that one person. Stop spreading yourself around like jelly. Try abstinance if you cant keep your pants up...I did it for awhile and it wasnt easy but saved me from alot of b.s from the opposite sex. (Guys never get a big ego...cause we could be faking *lol) If someone is showing u they care about u...let them..and return the love..the ONE may be right there in front of you...

Also men be a father to your children...without being forced to be...women let him....and take care of your children regardless if he does or doesnt...its 50/ both laid why should you get half his income a month when you arent contributing the same amount...lets be real...its not about you...its about your brothas and sisters..WAKE UP!

And to those handling your business..please raise your kids..give them some home training so they don`t snatch my purse in 10 yrs....I hate bad a** kids....they come from dumb a** if you aren`t ready....don`t have them!
I once heard someone say "if a man/woman tells uhe isn`t ready to settle down/commit/get married..they are basically telling u they don`t want to do those things with YOU!"....think about it.

Patricia R.
Tracee W.
more 2 come

We Gon' Make It!

.: Be Happy..Do U!:. .:DaCrew Official Website .:
Where Are All The Good Black Men? :.

All material on this and all linked pages cannot be reprinted without the sole permission of its author(s).
