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Rotational Dynamics

Welcome to an AP Physics Site dedicated to the topic of Rotational Dynamics. Many AP and University students have difficulty understanding this topic, so I have decided to do a page on it. Hopefully, you will find the explanations here easier to understand than those in your text. Personally, I know from experience some times texts can be hard to understand. AP Physics students need all the help that they can get.

This site contains explainations on all of the topics that you need to know for AP Physics B in the Rotational Dynamics section as well as solved sample problems and problems for you to try for each section. I hope this page helps you out. Currently this page is completed but if the response is positive, I may add on some sections.

This page was made as a science project for AP Physics Class at Holy Spirit High School in Newfoundland.

Last Update: 11/22/03

Webmaster: Nichole