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~In Perfect Love & Perfect Trust~

I want to explain my beliefs of Deity. The best way I can think of is that it is like a family tree, but upside down. At the top of this 'tree' is that great unknowable force which I have several names for; The All, The One, The Great Spirit. This force is neither male nor female. I picture the Great Spirit as a beautiful white light.......protective, loving, parental. Since this force is so unknowable, it is sometimes easier to think about by breaking it down into two separate but equal parts. These are the God & the Goddess. They are still aspects of this Great Spirit, but in smaller, more easily understandable pieces. There are times when even these two Deities are too complex to really grasp. That's when I use my pantheon of Gods & Goddesses. I use the Greek names for them, but that is a personal decision; nothing is written in stone. The ones that I can relate to the most are listed below, but I use others also. These Gods & Goddesses are merely aspects of the God & the Goddess which are aspects of the Great Spirit. Confused yet? Here's a saying that may help: 'All Goddesses are one Goddess & all Gods are one God.' It's almost like the God & the Goddess have multiple personalities, and these personalities are available to us so that we may understand the nature of The Great Spirit better.
This is where my belief that all religions lead back to the same Great Spirit comes in. They are all like spokes on a wheel leading back to the same hub. Think about it. No one on this planet has the same interests, personality, or style, right? So why would we all have the same beliefs? That is why the Great Spirit comes to everyone in a different way. It is still the same force out there watching over us, but we all have a different view of this force. We don't all think the same way....everyone's mind works on it's own level. So if the Great Spirit comes to us all in the same form, some of us may be afraid of this loving Deity. Even in Christianity, the Great Spirit is sometimes broken down for easier understanding. Now you are saying, 'Liar! There is only one God!' Ok, explain to me this....the Madonna is worshipped in some forms of Christianity just as much as God. The same holds true for Jesus Christ in some traditions. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact it is probably the only way to try to know God so that makes it very right. Please don't take the above statements as an attack for they are not meant to be. I am only explaining MY beliefs and would never try to tell you that yours were wrong. I happen to think that we are ALL right, just following different paths.
Gaea~Mother Earth
Artemis~Lady of the Moon (Maiden aspect)
Hecate~Dark Mother & Guardian of the Crossroad (Crone aspect)
Pan~Protector of All that is Wild & Free...including Laughter, Passion, Music, & Personal Abandon
Apollo~Lord of the Sun & the Arts
Dionysus~God of Vegetation, Fertility, & Immortality

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