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The Elements

Elemental energy exists within ourselves & all of nature. It is part of everything.....not just the obvious manifestations of each element. For example, Water energy is not just contained within water or the sea. It resides within our own bodies & all natural things. Keep this in mind as you read the associations of each of the elements.
The Earth is our foundation. That's why this element stands for stability, grounding, fertility, and prosperity. Some natural objects that symbolize Earth are salt, clay, rocks, a dish of fresh soil, acorns, and sheaves of wheat. The colors used to represent it are green or brown. Ritual uses for Earth include burying, planting, binding, gardening, and making images in the soil or sand. The use of magnets, stones, images, knots, and trees are also ritual forms of this element. The direction Earth holds in the sacred circle is North. The sense ruled by it is touch.

Air is as free as the birds that fly above us. That is why this element stands for movement, freshness, and intelligence. Natural objects that symbolize Air include feathers, incense smoke, and fragrant flowers. The color used to represent it is yellow. Ritual uses for Air are divination, concentration, travel, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost items, and visualization. Positive thinking, tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, and the use of the wind are also ritual forms of this element. The direction held by Air in the sacred circle is East. The senses ruled by it are hearing and smell.
Fire is both a creator and destroyer. When you witness lava destroying everything in its path, know that it is also creating new ground that will become fertile & beautiful. Fire can't exist without consuming something else, so it tranforms objects into new forms.....heat, light, ash, smoke. This makes it very different from the other elements. We must limit this element's power for it to benefit us. Always respect Fire & NEVER blow out a flame as this is considered to be an insult to the power of Fire.....use a candle snuffer or your fingers. This element stands for purification, destruction, cleansing, energy, sex, and power. Natural objects that symbolize it are flames, lava, and heated objects. The color that symbolizes Fire is red. Ritual uses for this element are those involving protection, courage, sex, energy, strength, authority, and banishing negativity. These rituals may include burning, smoldering, and/or heating of objects. The use of candles or any other type of flame are also ritual forms of Fire. The direction held by Fire in the sacred circle is South. The sense it rules is sight.

Water is as comforting as a mother's womb. That's why this element stands for love, healing, purity, life's ebb and flow, and nurturing. Some natural objects that symbolize Water are ice, snow, dew, and rain. The color used to represent it is blue. Ritual uses for this element include purification, love {but never to control another person's free will}, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, and friendships. The use of water to dilute, wash away, bath in, or place objects into are also ritual forms of it. As are the use of ice, snow, fog, mirrors, magnets, and the sea. The direction held by Water in the sacred circle is West. The sense it rules is taste.

Akasha is unknowable. It is the element that represents the spirit of all things and the universe at large. The natural objects that symbolize Akasha are all and yet none. The colors used to represent it are purple and black. All ritual uses for this element are religious in nature. The direction that is represented by Akasha is everywhere yet nowhere. It usually holds its place in the center of the sacred circle. The sense ruled by it is intuition.

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