(910) 579-7722

(Other photos moved to "Pictures" page)

Updated Owner's Directory to show current phone numbers for Barbara, Bobby, and Craig

Instructions for Charging Golf Beach Cart

(These Instructions are paraphrased from the instructions printed on the side of the charger, located in the storage room.)
1. Connect the AC plug (3 prong) to a properly grounded receptacle.
2. Connect the DC plug (2 prong) to the receptacle on the driver's side, located directly behind your legs when seated to drive the cart.
3. The Charger will automatically start in 3 to 5 seconds. When on, the Charger currently makes a loudish buzzing noise.... it should get quieter as charger warms up.
4. CONNECT OR DISCONNECT DC PLUG ONLY WHEN CHARGER IS OFF OR ARCHING AND BURNING WILL RESULT. If Charger must be stopped, disconnect the AC supply cord from the wall outlet before disconnecting the DC plug.
5. Monitor Ammeter (gage on front of Charger) for correct charge rate. Initial charge rate will vary from 16 to 25 Amps and then taper to a finish rate of 4 to 8 Amps if batteries are good.
6. Charger shuts off automatically.
7. DO NOT leave the Charger unattended for more than 2 days in a row. Severe overcharging and Damage will result if Charger does not automatically turn off.
8. When checking out and leaving the property at the end of your stay, do not leave the Charger connected to either the AC power supply or the DC plug to the cart.
9. Per instructions from the seller, check the water in the batteries at the beginning of each week that the cart is being used and more often during very hot weather or very hard usage. Remember that the water in the batteries contains acid and you should avoid overfilling or contact. Use DISTILLED water only.

Click on MONTHLY FINANCIALS In September, Year-to-Date Financial Statements were mailed to all owners

Click on MAINTENANCE NOTES for latest maintenance notes

Click on PICTURES Some December OIB photos.....

Click on SCHEDULE for latest revision of owners' schedule

Click on OWNERS' DIRECTORY for latest revision of owners' names, addresses,etc

Click on LINKS TO OTHER SITES to visit other related sites

Click on WINTERIZING INSTRUCTIONS for notes on how to winterize the plumbing during cold weather months (IMPORTANT!).

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