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One year later...

"Hey there beautiful... haven't been here in a while, I know... sorry about that. Happy birthday though. You'd be eighteen now. I really miss you, you do realise that right? I know, I know.. I've been through this before but I feel like I should tell you everytime I come here... so you don't forget. I sill love you, I don't think I'll ever stop." Taylor paused and looked behind him. Amanda was there, a few feet behind him. She smiled and nodded at him as if to say 'take all the time you want'. Taylor smiled back and then turned back around to Jaida's grave. "Mandy is here.. hope you don't mind. She's standing behind me though so she can't really hear what I'm saying to you. We've been together nearly six months now. She's real understanding where you're concerned, which is great." He stopped again and then sat down at the foot of the grave on the ground.

"Tay? Are you okay?" Amanda called out. Taylor twisted his head around and saw that she haddn't moved, but a concerned look was plastered onto her face. He nodded.

"Yeah... I'll be done in a minute"

"It's okay... take as long as you want, I don't mind waiting" Amanda said. Taylor turned back around.

"Hear that? Hear how great she is?... I just know that if you were alive and we were just friends, you'd approve of her... who knows, maybe I'm in love with her. I sill love you though. That's never gonna change. Ike and Zac are doing fine.. so's Kim. Her and Ike are still together... can you believe it? They plan to get married in two years time... haven't told anyone but me and Zac though. Kim has decided that she doesn't want a maid of honor.. mainly cause she couldn't think of anyone who could live up to you. So you'll be her maid of honor in spirit.. hope you're up to it. Your Mom and Dad are doing good to. They all really miss you, like me." Taylor stoped talking and stared at Jaida's headstone. Soon he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and found himself looking at Amanda.

"Are you okay? You've been sitting like that for half an hour..." She said gently, crouching down beside him. Taylor glanced at his watch and saw that she was right.

"I'm fine... musta got lost in my own thoughts there... sorry. Are you ready to go?" He asked, suddenly getting up. If he didn't leave fast then he knew that it would take him another hour to go. Amanda stood up beside him.

"Only if you are..."

"Yeah... just let me say goodbye to Jaida" He said. Amanda nodded.

"Sure. I'll be at the car"

"Thanks" Taylor said, giving her a quick kiss on the mouth. He was surprised when he didn't feel any guilt about kissing Amanda infront of Jaida's grave. He watched Amanda walk down the path, heading for their loaded up car. He turned back around to Jaida. "Well, I guess I should be going now. We wanta get there pretty early". 'There' was college. He and Amanda were driving there together and weren't going to be back in Tulsa until Thanksgiving. "I hate to do this on your birthday but I won't see you for a while. I've still got that picture of you in my wallet... next to Amanda's picture. I love you Jaida and I'll never forget you. I'm just glad that at least one of us can be with Lucas now. I'm sure he's happy to have you with him. Well... goodbye beautiful.. I'll see you at Thanksgiving" Taylor said as a tear escaped from his eye. He wiped it away and it took everything in him to turn around and start walking away. He didn't look back.


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