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Chapter Twelve

"Emliy! hey... have you seen Jaida? Tay asked me to keep an eye on her... make sure she doesn't get into trouble" Zane said once he found Emily in the living room. Emily frowned and looked like she was thinking. She slowly shook her head.

"Sounds like Taylor doesn't trust his little girlfriend" She said. Zane then knew that Emily was drunk. Zane wasn't drinking as he was driving that night and he also couldn't look out for Jaida if he was drunk. Zane rolled his eyes.

"He does trust her... he doesn't trust the guy's that are here tonight. You know Jaida is very.... attractive and they don't know that she's with Tay-"

"Well, doesn't eveyone just love little miss perfect then. I don't know where she is and I honestly don't care" Emily said, turning her head away from Zane.

"Emily, if you find out where she is, you let me know ok?"

"Yeah yeah" Emily said, getting up and stumbling away from Zane. Zane sighed and looked around the room in hopes that Jaida had walked in. There was no sign of her. He had seen her dancing with Shaun before and now the both of them had dissapeared. If he is doing anything to Jaida... I'll kill him Zane thought. And then Taylor will kill me.. where the hell is she? Zane started to walk out of the room but he was stopped by Anita.

"Hey, have you seen Jaida?" He asked. He noticed that Anita looked very guilty.

"Um, well..... I saw her with Shaun a while ago... why are you looking for her?"

"Because if Jaida gets into trouble then Taylor is gonna kick my ass" Zane said.

"Oh" Anita said, looking down at her feet. "Tay really likes Jaida doesn't he?"

"Yes, he does..... so you don't know where she is?" Zane asked, looking over Anita's shoulder for any sign of Jaida.

"Um.... well, I think I saw her going down stairs to the gaming room with Shaun..."

"You think? Anita, if she's down there, let me know... you know what those guy's are like when they're tanked" Zane said. Anita nodded. The loud music and the alcohol she had consumed were giving her a headache. She wished Zane would leave her alone to.

"I know..... don't tell Emily I told you but Shaun took her down there...... about fifteen minutes ago" Anita said. Zane didn't hear the rest of Anitas sentance because he was already halfway down the stairs.

"Is it just me... or was that movie crap?" Zac asked as he and Kaara walked out of the movies. Kaara punched Zac in the arm.

"It was not crap. It was cute!"

"We still should have seen Mission to Mars.... not Stuart Little" Zac replied. Kaara laughed.

"Well, thankyou for seeing Stuart Little with me"

"It's ok... I mean, it was me who asked you out so of course I'd see what you wanted to see." Zac said.

"Good then. Is that your Mom?" Kaara asked, pointing to a parked car on the street. Zac looked over and nodded.

"Sure is... let's go". The two walked over to the car and climbed in.

"Hey guys, how was the movie?" Mrs. Hanson asked.


"Great" Zac and Kaara said at the same time. Mrs. Hanson laughed.

"Ok.. Kaara, do you want to be taken back to your Aunts house? Or would you like to come home with us for a while? I can take you home later if you like, or Isaac can when he gets home from his date with Kim"

"Uh, I'd like to come back to your house... but I'd have to call Aunt Charlotte when we get there"

"Sure, thats fine" Mrs. Hanson said.


"How's Tay?" Zac asked.

"He's a little grumpy at the moment... and awake when I left, but I'm sure he'll be fine in a couple of days"

"Ok.. so he's not gonna die or anything?"

"No, I don't think so Zac"


"Zac" Mrs. Hanson said warningly. Kaara tried not to laugh.


The boys laughed while I sobed, beging them to let me out of the smoke filled room.

"No way cutie... you're here so we can have fun, now be a good girl and un- button your shirt" Shaun said. I shook my head no. I was completely sober now and so far, none of the boys had been able to get near me.

"Like hell I will, fucking pervert" I snapped. That made the boys laugh. I didn't think I was being funny. Shaun grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me while he yelled.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that you fucking slut! Take off your damn shirt now!". He then shoved me backwards into the door as it started to open.

"Jaida? You in there?" I heard Zane call out.

"Zane? Get me out now!" I yelled back. I moved away from the door and it flew open.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Zane demanded angrily, looking around the room. I could see right away that Zane was bigger than these boys and seemed to have some power over them.

"You know her?" Greg asked.

"Yes I know her! She's Taylors girlfriend you fucking morons!"

"I told them that but they wouldn't believe me" I said as I went and stood beside Zane. He looked down at me.

"You ok? My god... Tay's gonna love this..."

"I was drunk... I didn't know what he was doing" I said, pointing to Shaun.

"We thought she was joking when she said she was with Taylor.. you know half of the towns female population wanna get into his pants. How the hell were we to know she was telling the truth?" Shaun said, trying to defend himself.

"You just should have taken her word for it! Taylor is going to kick your ass for this..." Zane said, putting his arm protectively around my shoulders.

"Zane, I want to see Taylor.." I said before bursting into tears. Without another word, Zane truned me around and took me upstairs. Twenty minutes later I was in Taylors arms, sobbing the whole story out to him.

Chapter Thirteen
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