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Chapter Seven

"So, do you like Zac?" I asked Kaara later that evening as we were getting ready to go to bed. Kaara nodded.

"Hell yeah. He's gorgeous. Funny to" She said. I smiled. "It didn't take you long to find a boyfriend here" She added.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Nothing! I was just saying that you haven't been here long and already you have a boyfriend... it's kinda cool" Kaara explained.

"Oh... sorry for snapping" I said. Kaara shrugged.

"It's ok"

"So, do you want to start anything with Zac?" I asked her, to change the subject.. and our moods. Kaara smiled.

"I'd like to... but I don't live here... and I dont think we're old enough to survive a long distance relationship... he is cute though... and nice..." She said.

"Ya got a point there... well.. he does like you... he told Taylor and Taylor told me..."

"He likes me?" Kaara suddenly squealed excitedly. I nodded.

"Yeah! It was so obvious! I knew even before Taylor told me" I said. Kaara grinned at me and flopped back onto her sleeping bag. She then yawned.

"Oh geez I'm tired... I could sleep for three weeks!"

"You wanna go to sleep?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I want to know more about you and Taylor. You know, he looks a lot like-"

"I know! I know! I can't stop thinking about that.. it's strange how 2 guys, non-related guys can look so much alike. The really only obvious difference is Taylor has blond hair." I commented. Kaara nodded. The conversation seemed to stop then. Kaara drifted off into a deep sleep where as I couldn't sleep for peanuts. My mind kept wandering back to Kaaras comment. the 2 boys did look very alike and I couldn't figure out why. I soon forgot about it as my thoughts turned to Taylor. I couldn't belive that I had him. He was all mine and would be forever. With a smile on my face, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Ok! Tonight is a night for us three.... no Taylor or any of his friends... right?" Kimberly said to Kaara and I.

"Right" Kaara and I said together.

"And no Isaac either" I said. Kimberly grinned at me and nodded her head. Kimberly had invited me and Kaara to stay the night at her house. Her parents were away for the weekend so we basically had the run of the house. Not that we planned to do much. The three of us soon found ourselves in the kitchen while we ordered our pizza. When that was done, we went into the den.

"Wow.... do your parents like to drink or something?" Kaara asked as she eyed the liquor cabinet. That made my gaze shift as I to looked at the numerous half filled and full bottles of alchohol.

"No.. well, I mean, they do have a drink now and then when we have guests over, but they mostly collect the bottles... they probably wouldn't even notice if any of it was gone" Kimberly said.

"Is it locked?" Kaara asked. Kimberly nodded.

"Yeah... but I know where the key is.." She said as she got up and retrieved the key. "See?"


"Uhh, guy's... I don't think this is a good idea" I said as Kaara and Kimberly stood at the cabinet while Kimberly unlocked it, opened it and pulled out two bottles.

"Why not? Jaida.. nothing's going to happen. As if we're gonna get drunk. If you don't want any thats ok... but we're not going to have that much so don't worry" Kimberly said as she sat down after getting two small glasses from the cabinet.

"No, really.... I don't think you should be drinking. Kim, Kaara is only fourteen" I said.

"Jaida, you're not my keeper... if I want to drink I can... and I have drank before you know" She said, giving me a look. I cast my eyes down to the floor. I knew she had drank before. I was the one who gave her her first drink.

"Listen to the girl! As I said before, we're not going to get drunk and you don't have to have any" Kimberly said as she gave a glass to Kaara. It had a small amount of brown liquid in it. Then both Kaara and Kimberly drank.

"Uhhh! That is disgusting!" Kaara cried, grabbing her throat. I had to laugh.

"Serves you right... hey! what are you doing? I thought you didn't like it!" I said as I watched Kaara pour herself another drink. Then Kimberly appeared with a large bottle of coke. She handed it to Kaara and then got another glass from the cabinet.

"Come on Jaida.. live a little.. have a drink" She said after she made a drink for me. She handed me the glass and I took it. I didn't drink it though, I just stared at it. "Are you gonna drink that?" Kimberly finally asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know.... I don't really want to... but you guy's are and I dunno.."

"I say you do drink it. As Kim said, we're not gonna get drunk." Kaara told me. I looked at the glass again and then took a small sip.

"Geez that's strong!" I cried. Kimberly grinned at me.

"It's supposed to be" She said. "You want some more?"

"I've barely finished this... hey Kaara! take it easy will you?" I said to my cousin after she finished a drink and then helped herself to another.

"Yeah yeah, I know what I'm doing." She said.

"When's the pizza gonna get here?" I asked. Kimberly shrugged.

"They said in about half an hour so it should be here soon." She said just as the door bell rang.

"Pizza's here!" Kaara cried as she got up to go with Kimberly and I to answer the door. "Hey, he's cute" Kaara whispered to me about the delivery boy. I looked him up and down. He was kinda cute.

"Yeah, Taylor's better though" I whispered back. Kaara laughed.

"Nah, Zac's better looking than him" She whispered, talking about Taylor. I just shook my head.

"You're crazy"

"Yeah, about Zac"

"You like Zac?" Kimberly asked, surprised. Kaara and I then noticed that Kimberly had shut the front door. Kaara instantly grew red.

"I uh... well.. um.. yeah" She said. Kimberly's face lit up.

"Awww that's so cute! It's been ages since a girl has liked Zac" She said. Kaara got a worried look on her face.

"Why?" She asked. Kimberly realised she had said the wrong thing.

"Oh! Nothing... nothing's wrong with him, but the girls around here just use Zac to get to Tay and I think its great that you like Zac because hes Zac." Kimberly explained. Kaara's expression relaxed. "Anyway... I'm starving... lets eat!"

Chapter Eight
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