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Chapter Nine

"Um... Taylor?" I asked.


"I'm so sorry about last night.... "

"That's the seventh time you've said that.... you know I'm ok about it. You would know if I wasn't" Taylor said to me. I sighed. It was the next day. Taylor and I were sitting on my sofa in the den, watching tv as I felt like shit. My parents thought I had come down with something. I didn't tell them the real reason I wasn't feeling so good. Kaara on the other hand, felt fine and she was over at Zac's house.

"Ok, ok... I get it.... I just can't believe I got drunk infront of you"

"Uh, correction, Jaida.. you were drunk before I even got there... but I must say, I had a pretty good time on Kim's sofa" Taylor said, grinning as he nudged me. I didn't know if he was joking or not so I hit him.

"You're gross... but um, what did we do?" I asked.

"You can't remember?" Taylor asked, surprised. I nodded.

"Yeah.. I can... the look on your face was enough for me.... I bet you were prepared to give me a replay of last night weren't you?" I asked. Taylor just grinned. I laughed. Then groaned and put a hand on my forehead.

"Serves you right"

"You can't tell me you've never had a hangover before"

"Nope... I haven't... I don't get hangovers"

"What.. you don't drink?"

"Yeah.... but I've never gotten as smashed as what you were last night."

"SHHHH!!! Keep it down will you, my parents are still in the house!" I hissed.

"Opps... sorry, how's this?" Taylor whispered.

"Much better" I whispered back. Taylor then smiled and lightly kissed my forehead.

"Maybe you'd feel better if you got some fresh air into you" Taylor suggested. I nodded.

"Yeah.. I spose... wanna go to a movie?"

"Noooo I was thinking more along the lines of a walk"

"A walk? That's not very fun"

"To my house... where my parents aren't there"

"But Zac and Kaara are, along with Isaac to."

"Ok, let me be more specific, to my house, where my parent's aren't there, to where I have a lock on my door"

"On your door? What, your front door? Tay, everyone has those" I said, I knew what Taylor was saying but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be alone with him again.

"Jaida...". I grinned.

"Ok, ok, I know what you're saying.... let's just go to your house and take it from there Rodney"


"Yeah... you know the joke, Rodney the Rooster, who's constantly horny?"

"I'm not constantly horny!"

"Coulda fooled me"

"Ha ha, very funny"

"Funny? I'm not trying to be funny, I'm serious"

"Thank you very much"

"You're welcome" I said. By this time, Taylor looked very put out so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him. "Are we gonna go?"

"Yep, c'mon, we're outta here"

"Good.". Taylor and I got up and went into the kitchen, where my Mom was sorting out bills in order to pay them.

"Hey Mom… can Tay and I go over to his place for a while? I’m feeling a little better now" I said.

"I don’t know… are your parents home?" Mom asked, looking at Taylor.

"Uh, well… no.. but Zac and Isaac are home"

"And Kaara’s over there to remember…. Please Mom?" I asked. Mom sighed.

"Oh alright. But don’t stay long ok? Remember, we have dinner plans tonight"

"Thank you!" I cried as I hugged her. Mom smiled and hugged me back. Then Taylor and I left. As we walked to his house we were both rather quiet. We walked hand in hand and every now and then Taylor would gently squeeze my hand. We soon reached Taylor's house and saw that Isaac's car wasn't in the driveway. I wondered if Taylor knew that Isaac wasn't going to be home.

"He must have taken Kaara and Zac somewhere" Taylor said, shrugging his shoulders and smiling at me once we had entered his empty house. I raised my eye brow.

"Did you know he wasn't going to be home?" I asked. Taylor pretened to look shocked and hurt as we sat down on his sofa.

"No! would I have mentioned the lock if I knew they weren't gonna be here?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes" I said.

"Well thank you very much. I think you can just go right on home and I'll have to call one of my other girlfriends!"

"Ha! one of your other girlfriends? You wouldn't even wanna think about having another girlfriend or I'll have to kick your sorry ass!"

"My ass isn't sorry" Taylor said, smiling. I smiled back and cuddled into him. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest, my arms around his waist. Taylor kissed the top of my head and then pushed me back so I was facing him. He didn't say a word.

"What are you doing?" I asked after a few seconds. He was just staring at me.

"I'm just looking. How long have you had glasses for?"

"Since I was in seventh grade" I said.

"They look good on you. How come you hardly ever wear them?"

"Cause I don't like them. I'd rather be blind then wear these things."

"What are you? Like, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"I'm short- sighted... I can't see anything from a distance. I needed them to see you on that day that we met" I said, blushing slighly.

"Yeah? what did ya think when ya first saw me?"

"That you were gorgeous"

"Yeah?" Taylor asked, sounding and looking pleased. My face was burning by now but I nodded. "I've never been told that I'm gorgeous before"

"You're joking"

"No I'm not... I've been told I was cute but not gorgeous"

"Yeah right..." I said, grinning. Taylor smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. "So tell me.. what did you think of me when you firs saw me?" I asked.

"Well... when you were standing on the balcony, I couldn't see you that well, but you looked pretty good then... then when I saw you again in Kim's backyard... that's when I saw just how beautiful you really were. And in that bathing suit... man... sorry but I had to jump in the pool.. if you know what I mean" Taylor said. My eye brows shot up and my mouth fell open in a surprised smile.


"What? I'm just being honest with you... it is a compliment ya know"

"I know... but geez... I really did that to you?"


"Have I done it again ever since then?"

"Oh yea" Taylor said, grabbing me and swiftly turning me around so that I was lying on my back on the sofa. Then he kissed me.

Chapter Ten
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