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Chapter Five

"Taylor seems nice" Mom said to me a few day's later at breakfast. I grinned into my cornflakes and nodded.

"Uh huh... he is nice" I said.

"Who's Taylor?" Dad asked, looking around the paper he was reading. I rolled my eyes.

"Geez you're observent aren't you dad? Taylor's my new boyfriend!" I told him. Dad raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Honey... are you sure you want a boyfriend right now? I mean, we've only just moved here... how long have you known him anyway?" Dad asked, concern in his voice. Insted of getting offended and yelling at him to mind his own business, like I would have 6 months ago, I said calmly,

"Yes, I'm sure.. he's a great guy... and the first relationship I've had since well... a long time.. I think I'm ready for another relationship.." I said. Dad didn't say a word. He shrugged and then went back to his paper.

"Well, I think it's lovely sweetie. I'm sure you and Taylor will be together for a long time" Mom said, to make me feel better. I smiled at her.

"I'm sure we will be to" I said. Mom smiled back.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, Kaara is comming to stay for a couple of weeks. Before school starts"

"Really? Since when?" I asked. Kaara was my 14 year old cousin. Also one of my best friends.

"Since yesterday. You were at Kimberly's when Janice called me. Kaara is on her way right now. I was thinking that maybe you and your friends can go pick her up while I stay home and get her bed set up in your room. Is that ok?" Mom asked me, knowing that it would be. I nodded.

"Yeah! Taylor can drive, and he has his own car. He can take me." I said.

"Great. Just go call him now to make sure it's ok" Mom said.

"Ok" I replied and then got up from my seat at the table. I went into the hall and picked up the phone. I checked my watch, it was 8:30am. I hoped it wasn't to early. I dialed Taylor's number and waited for someone on the other end to pick up.


"Hi.. is Taylor there?" I asked.

"He is... but he's asleep... is this Jaida?"


"You know who I am?"

"Um...... Zac?"

"How'd you know?"

"I just did. Will Tay be angry if you wake him up for me?"

"Will he be angry at you?"


"Nope. He will be angry at me... but I'll live."

"Ok... "

"Soooo.. you want me to wake him now?"

"Thats the idea."

"Ok." Zac said. I then heard him walk down and open a door. "Tay? You up?"

"Mmmmph?" Came the reply.

"Get up slacker. Jaida's on the phone"


"Jaida... your girlfriend... shes on the phone and she wants to speak to you." Zac said, sounding irritated. There was a few minutes of the sound of shuffeling as Taylor got out of bed and then took the phone from Zac.

"Hey.." A sleepy voice said. I thought it sounded soooo cute!.

"Hey babe... sorry to wake you..." I said

"No.. I was awake anyway.. just didn't get up."

"Liar... anyway, my cousin is coming for a few weeks and I was wondering if you could take me to pick her up..."

"What, now?"

"Noo.. about 4 or 5 pm.. so it will give you time to wake up" I said playfuly. Taylor laughed.

"Ok then... call me later with the exact time and I'll come get you... but, I will be seeing you before then wont I?" He asked me.

"No sorry.. I'm going out with someone else today." I said matter of factly.

"Oh... are you now?.. you sure you don't want to see me?"

"Yep.. the other guy asked first.. he rang at 8 this morning."

"And how did this guy get your number?"

"Erm.... Anita?...."

"Oh.. so are you positive you don't want to see me today?"

"Am so. Better luck next time." I lauged.

"Damn.." He muttered, he then yelled... "HEY KIM... YOU BUSY TODAY?"

"TAYLOR!" I exclaimed. He lauged.

"I knew that would get you jealous. Kim's not even here!" He told me.

"Oh ha ha... well, aren't you the clever one then?.. anyway I better go.."

"Yeah me to.. Mom's calling for breakfast.. love you". My words stuck in my throat. I couldn't find my voice. "Jaida... hey.. hon.. you there?" Taylor was asking into the phone.

"I.. I ah.. I love you to Taylor." I almost whispered into the phone.

"Ok, bye.."

"Cya." and with that he hung up. Taylor told me he loved me... he loved me! I walked on air back to my bedroom to get ready to have a shower. 30 minutes later, I was dressed, hair done and make-up on. That was a record for me. I made my way into the living room and announced to my father as to where I was going.

"Ok, I take it you'll be gone until you bring Kaara home?" He asked. I nodded.

"Is that ok?"

"Sure it is sweetie. Have a good time." He said, giving me a light kiss on my forehead. Something he always did when we were saying goodbye. I left the house and steped into the warm sunshine. I walked down to Taylor's house which took me about ten minutes. I walked up to the front door but it opened before I could knock. Taylor's smiling face and open arms greeted me.

Chapter Six
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