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Win My Award

O.K.Hold the f*cking phone!!!!! I am really getting pissed off because people are not completing all the requirments for an award and they sign up for it anyway...From now on anyone that does not complete all the tasks are auotmatically disqualified!!!!I only have one award for you to win at the moment but I will get a silver and bronze award. IF YOU THINK YOUR SITE DESERVES MY AWARD FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW.
What is your sites name?

What is your URL?

E-mail address?

What award do you want?

Requirments For Gold Award

1.Must have a Great DBZ site. 2.No porn. 3.1000 hits or 30 guestbook. 4.Must Sign My Guestbook. 5.Must Link Award Back To My Site. 6.Must Join My Mailing List And Top Site List.

Requirments For Silver Award

1.Must have a good DBZ site. 2.No Porn. 3.100 hits or 10 Guestbook. 4.Must sign my guestbook. 5.Must link award back to my site. 6.Must Join My Mailing List And Top Site List.

Requirments For Bronze Award

1.Must have a O.K. DBZ site. 2.No porn. 3.50 hits or 5 guestbook. 4.Must sign my guestbook. 5.Must link award back to my site. 6.Must Join My Mailing List And Top Site List.