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Jen's Room

*Sits up on his bed* How'd you get here? *crawls through the junk laying around* Oh well. Name's Jen Starlos and welcome to my lil corner of cyberspace. Feel free to look around. The place is a bit of a mess at the moment, but I'll get it sorted out, eventualy.

ANNOUNCMENT! Baby blade dracs are up for adoption!
Next: Gold and brown male. 6 weeks old. Can fire a small sonic shockwave, like a sonic boom projectile. ADOPTED BY: Psycho Chameleon (Crazy's brother)
Next: Pink and Purple femle. 1 month old. Hasn't shown any abilites yet. (check profile and Cypher in case you don't know what they look like)
Oh yeah, be sure to sign the guestbook when ya get a chance.

Update(Aug, 15, 2000): Finnaly, after all the wait, i got some new Memory. 15 new pics in Jamie's archive

Update(Oct, 16, 200): another 20 pics to Jamie's art.

Where to, Mac?

Girl of my Dreams

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THANKS to: Zorro Azual and Crazy Chameleon for the BGs and Crazy & Sarah-le for helping me get this site off the ground. And SB13 for my new banner