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The temple of Ga-Ridu, the capital of Ga-Bondees.

You stumble and fall in the squeezing darkness, and land roughly on your hands and knees. The woman you saw earlier is standing over you, crooning your name. You awake, and she speeks.

"Well, I wasn't sure if you were going to make it there for a second. My name is Dart, and I am the governess of Ga-Bondees. Go on, have a look around! Go see the newest weyr, Star-Set Weyr. I hear that the weyrwoman, Sha, is organising a very large weyr of dragons. Go see what you can find.

She gives you a gentle push away

You see a small door off to your left, and it seems to lead to nowhere. Should you open it?

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Go here to adopt a Pegasus! Please! They are really cute, and they have many styles! Babies and mommies too! Thanx!



The Records


The Moon-Lit Path

<bgsound src="sevenwonders.mid"loop=infinite>