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Mystery shopping Info

Interested in mystery shopping? There is no need to pay someone for a how-to guide. There is enough information on the net to get you started, and below I've provided a few of those links.

There are many ways to get started in mystery shopping. The fastest is probably to join leads lists. There are many of them including:
To get onto this list, go to and register there, then search for the list and join it.
You can also click the link below.

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After you have joined lists, I would suggest applying to every company you can find. Again there are many lists on the net, and below I've listed a few: There are mystery shopping folders in both momsonline groups. Aol, which i have no idea how to link is key word momsonline.
If you are not on AOL, then go to
Julie not only has a daily leads list, but a company list as well
julie's leads page

jony's list

Another simple thing to do is to type "mystery shopping" into the search engine below, and you will find more links on the internet.

Search the Web:

Want more? Check out my links page...all companies to apply to and lists of companies. links page

Mystery shopping FAQ
How much do I get paid for a shop?
That depends on the shop. Usually with restaurants you will receive reimbursement, and sometimes a fee of $4 to $10.
I would guess that the average retail shop pays $12

Can I make a living at this?
That all depends on the area you live in. But as you can see, this is not a get rich quick job. If you complete 30 shops a month at $12 per shop, that is $360.

I like a specific restaurant and want to evaluate it. Why can't I ask who shops which companies?
As a mystery shopper you are an independant contractor, and you signed a confidentiality agreement with the companies you work for. None of us can legally say who shops which companies. The best thing to do is apply to a lot of companies. You can always turn shops down.

What do I need to get started?
A fax machine, a phone and email, and probably MS word. A photo copier is helpful, but not essential. Mine is on my fax machine.

Is it necessary to pay someone to get my name out?
NO! There is one company you can pay to put your name on a list, but you don't need to do that to get started.

Anything else I need to know to get started?
Keep good tax records. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for your own taxes and your own tax deductions. Keep mileage, receipts for photo copies, faxes..everything you can think of. This will make your year end taxes easier.

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