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500 hits as of October 30, 2000
1,000 hits as of June 11, 2001
Hello and welcome to my most wonderful Beatles site! I'm Lucy, and this site is the product of long summer days full of boredom! Have fun! Also, feel free to email me with any suggestions or any links/images etc. that don't work! I hope that you enjoy your stay!
* *Lucy* *

In sisterhood with...

Cheez-its, anyone?

6-11-01 Woah! An update! Yes, it's true! I've added Chapter Five of my fanfic Deivl In Her Heart!
2-1-01 Haven't updated (or at least, mentioned updates...) in quite some time! I updated Devil In Her Heart a little while ago but forgot to mention, and just added chapter four today.
10-5-00 Oh NO! It's a sequel! Chapter one of Hour Of Darkness II: Devil In Her Heart has been posted!
At long last, the final chapter (Tomorrow Never Knows) and the epilogue are posted! Check it out!!
9-12-00 Chapter Twenty Two (Misery) of Hour Of Darkness is up! Also, Tessa has indeed been's a long story. School has started *ugh*! What a drag...
7-27-00 I'm back from vacation! I've posted another chapter of Hour Of Darkness, not to mention the beginnings of another comedy fic, based on the popular show Survivor! Find it in the fan fiction section!
7-9-00 **ATTENTION!** I'm heading off on vacation soon, so updates of Hour Of Darkness may be few and far between! Sorry!
8-2-00 Posted a short fanfic, Flowers and Grapes! All started by one little quote from Live at the BBC...
7-24-00 Major updating done in the fanfic department! A good friend Ashley and I have just posted our co-written MASTERPEICE, Angelic Sins! Read it!! I've also agreed to host her fan fiction, Diabolical Cucumbers, for her! Look for that soon! Hour of Darkness has been updated to chapter eighteen as of a little while ago.
7-19-00 In My Life chosen as best song ever written!! Read the story here!
Everyone's favorite drummer turns 60! Many more happy ones and best wishes! In honor of this day, I've updated Hour Of Darkness with Chapter Twelve, Hello Goodbye! ~Lucy
7-2-00 Hey, where did the lyrics go?? I've retired my lyrics page for two blatent reasons; #1, it's not a complete listing; it's very sadly lacking. #2, EVERYONE has lyrics. They're not that hard to find, so I figure, why bust my butt making 'em? I've replaced them with something I'm going to have a lot more fun doing; album reviews. My own personal (and probably slightly screwed up) opinions (emphasis on OPINIONS) on the songs on the albums I have. Should be up soon, stay tuned!
6-25-00 I've just made banners if you'd like to link to my most wonderful site! You can check them out here! Also, I've done various updating in the fan fiction area, including posting a new comedy fiction! Have a look!

WATCH OUT! Don't mess with me...

Boycott Geoffrey Guiliano's book!

And now, Lucy gets bored and decides to play with some lyrics and pictures...