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Punk Wear

Punk Wear is a directory of web sites that sell punk clothes and accessories. Also included are skate, rockabilly, skinhead, rude, goth, and club clothing because sometimes styles can overlap. Please note that I do not sell these clothes, I just list links to people that do.

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Please note: My e-mail address has changed (AGAIN!) to Since I hadn't checked my e-mail in forever, a LOT of it was deleted. If you sent me something between June 2001 and November 2002, I probably didn't get it. I am SO sorry. Please send it again. Note my new e-mail has not been updated on all pages yet!

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This web site is in no way an endorsement of peacockism. It is meant as a resource for people that have chosen to live an alternative lifestyle. The clothes do not make the man. If you are new to the punk scene, please invest your money in learning about your scene before you begin showing it off.

Also, I cannot guarantee that all these web sites are legit. I suggest you try to establish contact with companies before sending them money. Buy at your own risk.

And I'd like to apologize for not updating the page in a while. I've moved twice in the past 3 months and am about to move again and go back to school. But I will begin updating again as soon as possible.

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: 5/11/01. I know I haven't updated in forever but I swear I will start again after I graduate in May. College has sucked the life out of me.

The Punk Wear Directory
Click here to see the complete list of sites on Punk Wear.

The Punk Wear Index
All of the websites listed on Punk Wear are indexed here by the types of apparel they sell (i.e. t-shirts, pants, shoes, etc.)

Submit Your Site
Click here to find out how to get your site listed in the Punk Wear Directory.

Can't find what you're looking for? Put in a request here and I'll see if I can find it for you.

To make your Internet surfing faster, I have chosen to place my webrings on a separate page. Check them out though because they're a really cool way to get around the web.

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Comments? Questions? Suggestions? I'd love to hear them. Feel free to e-mail me at Or you can instant message me at "Punkwear13" on AOL Instant Messenger.