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Are Paranormal Phenomena Electromagnetic?

The Law of Conservation of Energy

"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another"

(a) Temperature Drop During Phenomena

Heat energy is being converted to psychic or paranormal electromagnetic energy. Heat energy is being drawn from the atmosphere by an unknown catalyst. Could this catalyst be from another dimension?

(b) Ectoplasm

What sort of energy is it? This is the projection of electromagnetic energy as a physical, visual phenomenon. Could this be the transfer of electromagnetic energy into matter?

(c) Telekinesis and Poltergeist Phenomena

Is this Static Electricity? A chaotic electromagnetic frequency can turn into kinetic energy, i.e. movement (see Albert Budden's wonderful "Poltergeist Machine" in Fortean Times Issue 92). All this seems interlinked, for example, making objects behave oddly by pointing at them. In other words, could the kinetic energy of pointing at objects generate "psychic" electromagnetism (from chemical or electromagnetic energy in the brain) in a directional manner?

Spoon Bending is another example. Electromagnetic "psychic" energy is directed at the electrons surrounding atoms in the material object, therefore either changing the molecular structure or moving it.

Potential energy can relate to a person or persons.

(d) Electromagnetic Psychic Energy

This is chaotic, hence the inability to repeat experiments under laboratory conditions. This causes phenomena to be observed or experienced "when one least expects it". After all, how predictable is chaos?

Electromagnetic psychic energy is more prevalent during illness, meditation, sleep, or a "half awake" state of mind. Under these conditions, brain activity is rather less predictable than during more coherent states of consciousness. If the brain chemistry or electromagnetism is altered, therefore changing messaging impulses, a chaotic state is more likely to occur, and phenomena are more likely to manifest. If the electrical frequencies of these impulses can be replicated by external electrical interference, then "paranormal" phenomena are at an increased probability of being reproduced under laboratory conditions.

(e) Hauntings

These are linked to a place rather than a person. Stored up electromagnetic energy can act as a record, i.e. potential energy condensed in a particular place. If Science can expose how this energy is stored, then the mystery of hauntings will be solved.


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