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Theory of Chaos

1. Chaos is random creation and destruction. Things must be destroyed to create, and be created to destroy. Creation is followed by destruction, and destruction is followed by creation.

2. Chaos applies to matter. If matter is destroyed, then it is eventually reformed (not necessarily into what it previously was) into different molecular or atomic structures, therefore creating something else. Creation cannot exist without destruction, or there would be nothing to create from. Destruction cannot exist without creation, or there would be nothing to destroy.

3. Chaos applies to emotions. One emotion is destroyed as another is created, which is, in turn, destroyed to make way for another created emotion (or state of mind).

4. Chaos applies to life. As one life is destroyed, another is created, and as one is created, another is destroyed.

5. Chaos is the only proof of time. If no creation or destruction took place, then time would stand still until creation and destruction took place once more.

6. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is merely changed from one form to another. Nothing can be created nor destroyed, as creation and destruction are merely terms for the change in substance or form of atomic and molecular structures. If this is so, then everything is subject to the Laws of Thermodynamics, and everything changes from one form to another.

7. Order and Chaos (usually thought of as opposites) are, in reality, the same thing. Order is dependent upon Chaos. Chaos is the order of creation and destruction. The process of create, destroy, create, destroy etc. follows the same order.


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