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New College 2nd XI Football

A site dedicated to the efforts of Nick Szczepanik
to arrange an annual reunion of New College 2nd XI players of the early 1970s.
Invitations are now extendable to 1st team players, hangers-on, friends and relatives.

"Initiated 2000 - Now Almost A Tradition"

Reunion Match 2024 (Sunday 8th Sept)

Our event celebrates its quarter century.
Weather fine yet again, despite forecasts of thunder storms.
UNDER CONTRUCTION Match report and photographs to follow....

Reunion Match 2023 (Saturday 16th Sept)

Held for the first time on a Saturday!
Weather fine as usual, but humidity at a record level.
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2022 (Sunday 4th Sept)

Fantastic afternoon. No rain despite the 40% chance of it according to BBC Weather!
Good turnout of players and a record attendance (17!)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2021 (Sunday 5th Sept)

A massive turnout, and a thriller of a match!
(So apologies to all for my not making it this year. JR.)

Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2020 (Sunday 6th Sept)

Amidst Covid chaos, something happened (to quote Joseph Heller).

Match report (of sorts) and (a few) photographs.

Reunion Match 2019 (Sunday 8th Sept)

Fears of our not being quorate due to Palmer clan gathering soon dispelled.
A good turnout, another bumper attendance, and glorious weather (and it was my birthday)

Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2018 (Sunday 9th Sept)

Another memorable afternoon, with the usual fine weather making its reappearance.

Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2017 (Sunday 3rd Sept) least it happened, despite the after-effects of the Gaude, several call-offs, and the bad weather.
That was the first time in 18 years that it has rained in Oxford on the first Sunday in September. I have informed the Met Office...

Match report and photographs.

PS. Thanks to Chris Eyre for liaising with Jonathan Rubery to get this into the New College News. Fame at last...

Reunion Match 2016 (Sunday 4th Sept)

Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2015 (Sunday 6th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2014 (Sunday 7th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2013 (Sunday 8th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Nov. 2012 Breaking news...
A team photo (New College 2nd XI 1974-75 - Second Division Champions.) just received from Zoran Novakovic
Thank you, Z.

Reunion Match 2012 (Sunday 9th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2011 (Sunday 4th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2010 (Sunday 5th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2009 (Sunday 6th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2008 (Sunday 7th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2007 (Sunday 9th Sept)
Match report and photographs.

June 2007: Sadly, Nick has asked me to publish the following obit:
John Gibbons, midfield stalwart 1974-77. Div 2 champions 1974, Div 1 champions 1975. After a short illness.
If anyone wishes to know more, I would suggest that they contact Nick directly.

Reunion Match 2006.
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2005.
Match report and photographs.

Reunion Match 2004.
Match report and photographs

Reunion Match 2003.
Match report and photographs

Reunion Match 2002.
Match report and photographs

Reunion Match 2001
Match report and photographs

Reunion Match 2000
2000 Reunion
Photos of a fun-filled afternoon

How some of us looked in ... 1972/73?
The infamous Team Photo in the Cloisters
Does anyone remember exactly when this photograph was taken?

From the vaults, a 1974 team photo...
A rare treasure from the Szczepanik Collection of battered antiques and curios

Another creeping terror from the vaults...
Green, Hobson, Reid & Szczepanik, and photo-me in Southampton Docks in 1973

Where are they now?
Names & email addresses

Please contact us to be added or removed from this list!
Dave Kendall has been located! See email contacts page for his address... ... but he has now disappeared again.

Contact 1- Nick Szczepanik :
Contact 2- James Reid :