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Narcissism Unlimited
Sunday, March 09, 2003

Mmm... Mid-terms week. Feh! Glad it's over, except for a paper for 20th Century Anglo-American Philosophy. Now I get to have my alone time. Happiness is had. It's the first time I haven't gone home for Spring Break, and quite frankly, I'm glad I didn't make that horrible drive. Seven hours is just too long to spend in a car.

So... what happened this past week... well, Joe's game didn't; I think they are going to start a Shadowrun game. I should probably be glad; it frees up a night I didn't have. Quite frankly, four games a week are too many. The Vampire game was interesting. Red was in D&D mode, though. (Seriously, firing a gun in an urban area.) Tuesday's game was slow. I pretty much just sat there. Thursday's game, however, was glorious. I had Maxim and Gluck (two NPC's, servants of Lord Estanban, a merchant prince whos badside my character got on *grammer?*) "taken care of" by an assassin. I got to try out my mad catburgular skills (which really aren't, I just got really lucky and have a generous DM). Then, I got to tweek the nose of Lord Estaban, having helped rid him of his pirate problem. Yes, it was absolutely glorious!

As for real news, there really isn't much new news. Apparently there were some Al-Qaeda arrests, links to which I'm too lazy to find right about now, and we should be at war in a week or two. So yeah, nothing new.

Friday, February 28, 2003

*sniffle* Fred (Mister) Rogers died yesterday of stomach cancer at age 74. NPR aired an interview with him from November on Fresh Air this afternoon.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Here is a brief history of Un Resloutions dealing Iraq starting with the 1990 demand to withdraw from Kuwait. (link from Instapundit)

In other news: Yoga = drug. There are still lingering endorphines from today's session.

Monday, February 24, 2003

According to Animé News Network, Newtype USA has corrected the CB: The Movie release date. The new date is April 4th.

Cartoon Network press release (from Right Stuf, via ANS): CN has aquired some new animé series for 2003.

  • Dragonball Z: 15 new episodes to air starting March 17th.
  • Rorouni Kenshin: 95 episodes starting in March.
  • Trigun: 26 episodes to air on the Adult Swim block starting in March.

No specific to-air dates are attached to the rest of the aquisitions. (Number of eps in parentheses.)

  • Big O (13)
  • Blue Gender (26)
  • Dragonball (52)
  • .hack//SIGN (26)
  • Hamtaro (52)
  • Kikaider (12)
  • Pokémon (100)
  • SD Gundam (23)
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! (50)

Another kick to the head of common sense: Apparently Attorney General John Ashcroft doesn't have enough to worry about with all the terrorists about; he still has time to catch those purveyors of evil--bong dealers.

According to Anime News Service, Newtype USA reported in their February issue that Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door--to be called Cowboy Bebop: The Movie--is slated for a March 28th theatrical release. Unfortunately, they did not mention how widespread the release will be.

*kicks self repeatedly* ID attribute values can't start with a number. Remember that, because I didn't and spent a week trying to figure out why one of my divisions wouldn't render properly in IE. (Apparently, Mozilla ignores this rule.) As a result, I don't believe I'll be carrying forth with the strike on Redmond (although they may deserve it for other non-my-webpage-related reasons.)

Films, not bombs: The Pentagon's got it all wrong according to the French and David Carr. (on

Joe's Vampire character has started without him, it seems.

In other news: I'm finally getting around to writing styles for IE. If they work I might hold off on the strike against Redmond.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

More alcohol imbibed last night: just enough to get a good buzz going. Not much happened: I played Virtua Fighter with Eli for a while and hung out with some friends.

We had another Vampire session today. It's getting better as the story line evolves. `Twas enjoyable.

The blog trawl has brought up much of the same stupidity I've seen for the last several weeks. Although I did come across one interesting case of utter stupidity in the Daily Telegraph (via Little Green Footballs) about the tools who volunteered to be human shields in Iraq. Enjoy.

Saturday, February 22, 2003

Just read it, and don't be drinking anything while you do. (WP, link from Hit & Run)

Drunk and stupid: not a recommended daily activity, but still a good weekend respite

Oh yeah... Huddle House always tastes better when you're drunk.

Friday, February 21, 2003

The following is a dramatization:

Renee: *insert random question/statement*

Mary: Tofu!

R: anoo...

M: Tofu Malfoy!

R: You know, talking to you is like holding a conversation with a pokémon.


In Brief

This is a place where I can go to vent in the illusionary privacy of my glowing computer screen. The goal is not to offend, but if some feet get stepped on along the way, I don't think I shall shed any tears. So, enjoy the rants, or not.

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Hit & Run
Little Green Footballs
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Volokh Conspiricy

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