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Welcome to our homepage! I've just added a new guestbook so be sure to sign in and let me know what you think!

I keep promising myself that I will start taking more pictures so I can update the site more often. Of course, I only take pictures when we actually do something!

In July 2001, we spent a week down at Hilton Head, SC. We had such a great time - of course we always wish we could stay longer. Instead of just tanning by the pool and the ocean, we also did a lot of different activities, including renting waverunners and going parasailing. While we were down there, the whole family had to check out our favorite restaurant, Hudson's, not just once but twice during the week!

To celebrate Jess' birthday last year, a group of us went to DC. Here are a couple shots from the evening.

A couple months ago, Michael went exploring in some of the local mountains for work. Hiking Old Rag Mountain turned out to be a little more than expected.

Mike's sister Cheryl came to visit us last March. Last October, Mike's mom and Aunt Doris also came for a visit. We had a great time and got to do a lot of touring.

Michael and I got to spend Christmas with his family this past year. We got to visit with the whole family while we were there. Mike was also trying to convert me into becoming a Texan.

I have been working with our local United Way as the Coordinator for their Volunteer and Information Services. I started in December 2000 and can't believe I've already been there so long. I'm really thrilled to be working with the United Way again.

I was just thinking, I haven't bragged about my babies in a while! Plus there are always the older shots too. Check out the antics of Ginger and Cinnamon.

Mike was promoted to Captain at the beginning of May 2000. Here are a couple pictures from each of Mike's promotions.

Mike's last float ended the middle of March 2000 and he returned home safely on March 13th, the day before our anniversary. Click here to see some pictures of his first day back.

Michael was also with a deployable unit last year. He left in July '98, four months after we got married. His first float took him to several countries including Turkey, Italy, Spain, the Ukraine, Albania, and many others.

Michael and I got married five years ago. Click here to see a few pictures.

Hope you enjoy visiting our website! Let us know what you think of the homepage and I'll try to update the site a little more often!

Tell us what you think and drop us an e-mail.

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updated 15 January 2003