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The Magic Of Eric Singleton



Hi, I'm Eric Singleton, and welcome to my official page. Here you can see our list of illusions, other magicians I admire, some really cool interactive tricks, and also you will get to meet me and my crew: The Masters of Illusion. Enjoy your visit!

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Support freedom

Sept. 11, 2001. A terrible tragedy has struck our great nation. On tuesday, september 11, 2001, terrorists crashed planes into the world trade center in new york city and into the pentagon. Many innocent people lost their lives due to this unfortunate tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the victim's family and friends. We will never forget you. America now stands more united than we ever have before, we will find those responsible and bring them to justice, and make them pay for the damage they have done to the U.S. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. We will overcome this tragedy and become an even greater nation, showing everyone, we will not go peacefully into the night, we're going to live on, we're going to survive! God Bless America!

Check out this cool "hotel" trick
You have to see this one to believe it

Mentalism at work here
David Copperfield
Special Thank You

Upcoming Christmas Show in 2001. Be ready, it's gonna be a blast.

Meet the masters


If you would like more information about us, or if you live in the Cary, Raleigh, North Carolina area and would like us to do a show just email us here:

LINKS, check 'em out!

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The official David Copperfield webpage, check it out>