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Virginia Listings

City Unknown

Your Name:  Marshal Soul Simmons    Date:  1996?
We met through an organization called Second Chance.  Mother's name is Jennifer and Brother's name is Malcom.  You last wrote me from Virginia but my mother didn't approve so I didn't write you back.  You were about 4 years older than me.  We had a friend named Michelle Freeman.  She had two brothers and a sister named Anthony, Andrew and Crystal.  Michelle's mother is named Vicki (Monique "MMM").  Reply to:  0105021554


Your Name:  Jerry Michael Graves   Date:  Fall 1966
You had a brother named William and a sister named Mary.  Mary had a child die of Muscular Dystrophy or Sclorosis (I've forgotten over the years).  You were in the Marine Corps and stationed in Okinawa.  I moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  We were lost to each other by a very horrible misunderstanding.  I had been told that you had been killed in Vietnam and found out too years later that it wasn't true.  By then it was too late.  You liked Radio Broadcasting and dreamed of having you own one day.  You had a setup in your Mom and Dad's basement.  Reply to:  0102180302


Your Name:  Kanama Henry    Date:  July, 1993
We used to date as teenagers.  I was your first love.  I met you on a Halloween Day in the Lynnhaven Mall.  Your best friends at the time were a white girl named Hedi and a black girl named Dawn, if I'm not mistaken.  Please contact me.  Reply to:  0104122312


Your Name:  Fred "Buddy" Hash    Date:  1992
I am the daughter of William Jennings and Annie Jennings.  We are having a reunion June 2, 2001.  Please call me:  Reply to:  0105252236

Newport News

Your Name:  Lawerence (Larry) Blogett  Date:  1990
We went to the junior prom on Langley Air Force Base and got stopped for speeding by the MPs.  We also used to hang out together at Den High and would go to the movies together.  We went to see Warlock once.  Reply to:  01022301 

1944 - 1945 *adoption

Your Name:  Howard Paul    Date:  1944 - 1945
Your birth mom named you "Howard Paul."  You were born in 1944 or 1945 in florence Crittendon Home for unwed mothers in Norfolk, Virginia.  You lived in St. Mary's infant home in Norfolk for about 2 years.  You were adopted out through the Portsmouth Department of social Services.  You may not even know that you were adopted (Ernestine Barbara).  Reply to:  0105021446

I'm looking for:  Story Easterling    Last Contact:  June, 1955 - Ansbach, Germany
You were (and are) a very significantly exceptional person in my life. I lost contact with you in 1955.  You were working at the Hindenburg Kaserne service club, in Ansbach, Germany  Throughout the years I have thought about you so often and I pray you found the love which we could not share. I know you had a younger sister, and I believe your mother lived in Norfolk, Virginia. Anyone having any information regarding her, please contact me
(Dick M.)  Reply to:  0201031309


Your Name:  Nancy Miller    Date:  1968 - 1969
Not only were we friends but our dogs, Butch and Keefer, were friends too.  Do you still have that beautiful mole over your lip (if my memory serves me right??)  I remember how heartbroken I was when you moved away.  Sewells Point Elementary... because of you, I'll never forget it (Your boyfriend in 5th grade).  Reply to:  0104122149

1994 - 1995

Your Name:  Armecer Dolsheen Lawrence    Date:  May 1994 - 1995
You should be 14 now.  I am your cousin Moni from Shreveport, Louisiana.  Your father Dolton is desperately looking for you (Monyunna).  Reply to:  0103181108

1944 - 1945 *adoption

Your Name:  Howard Paul    Date:  1944 - 1945
Your birth mom named you "Howard Paul."  You were born in 1944 or 1945 in florence Crittendon Home for unwed mothers in Norfolk, Virginia.  You lived in St. Mary's infant home in Norfolk for about 2 years.  You were adopted out through the Portsmouth Department of social Services.  You may not even know that you were adopted (Ernestine Barbara).  Reply to:  0105021446


Your Name:  Rita Ward    Date:  1976
My name was Jerri Foote.  Our parents were stationed on the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.  In 1976 my step-father was transferred to Florida.  After the transfer, I did not know how to reach you.  I remember sitting by the phone one day wishing it would ring and that it would be you.  It did ring...and it was you.  I had never needed a friend so badly.  I don't know how you found me and I've never heard from you again (Jerri).  Reply to:  0103222207

Your Name: Tonya Tongue    Date:  1991
It was our freshman year.  You, Hope and I became extremely good friends.  Every minute was spent together.  You, Hope and I had planned our lives together but as we can see, it's not what happened.  After my daughter was born, we spent a week together.  After I got married, you joined the Navy and that's when we lost contact.  Repy to:  01021180148


Your Name:  Quenton L. Jackson    Date:  January, 1997
Our last night together was a big mistake.  I lived at 37 Labrook.  You drove a red Sundance.  You used to go to Ally Cats a lot.  You took me there.  I left my idea at home when you took me there the first time (Sunshine).  Reply to:  0103311216


Your Name:  Samantha Brown    Date:  December, 1999
We used to sell perfume together on Broad Street.  You have stayed with me in Emporia (Latonya a/k/a "Peaches").  Reply to:  0104122331


Your Name:  Jimmy Rudolph    Date:  Summer 1961
You worked at Pepsi-Cola at the time we met.  A bottle exploded in your hand one time.  My sister and I started dating you and your friend and I lied to you about my age (Susie).  Reply to:  0103222135


Your Name:  Kelly Howe-Tugman    Date:  1997
I'm wondering how your two little girls are doing.  I also wonder if you finished school.  Remember how your house was always the party house when we lived in OKC?  We kept in touch by phone for so long and then I couldn't get in touch with you anymore.  I miss you and still want to keep in touch.  Please call or email me (Dana Smith).  Reply to:  0104061416


Your Name:  Quenton L. Jackson    Date:  January, 1997
Our last night together was a big mistake.  I lived at 37 Labrook.  You drove a red Sundance.  You used to go to Ally Cats a lot.  You took me there.  I left my idea at home when you took me there the first time (Sunshine).  Reply to:  0103311216

Virginia Beach

Your Name:  Nancy Miller    Date:  1968 - 1969
Not only were we friends but our dogs, Butch and Keefer, were friends too.  Do you still have that beautiful mole over your lip (if my memory serves me right??)  I remember how heartbroken I was when you moved away.  Sewells Point Elementary... because of you, I'll never forget it (Your boyfriend in 5th grade).  Reply to:  0104122149


Your Name:  My friends    Date:  1970s - 1980s
Trudy Schimph, Theresa Mills, Cindy Davis, Dawn Fitch and Gina Ferrari.  Where are you guys?  I think about you all and I hope you're doing well!! Get in touch.  I'm still in Virginia Beach and I have 2 boys and a girl.  I'm homing to find you all.  Love ya! (Mona Jones).  Reply to 0105071431


Your Name:  Kanama Henry    Date:  July, 1993
We used to date as teenagers.  I was your first love.  I met you on a Halloween Day in the Lynnhaven Mall.  Your best friends at the time were a white girl named Hedi and a black girl named Dawn, if I'm not mistaken.  Please contact me.  Reply to:  0104122312


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