Tim's webpage
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Welcome to Tim's website!


Here are some of my favorite quotes. They are wonderful words of wisdom and witt, which I was kind enough to post here for you. I really hope that you enjoy reading them.

Click here to go to my Favorite Quotes page


I am a Christian. I Believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I believe that he is God incarnate, part of the Holy Trinity, and that he lived a sinless life as a man ending in his persicution and death on the cross. This act was God reaching down from heaven and attoning for the sins of mankind through his perfect sacrafice.

All pride and joking aside, my life has changed dramatically because of what the Lord has done for me. I used to live in rebelion to God, drinking, partying, cussing, and living an evil lifestyle in general. This took it's toll on my friends, my family, and myself. The worst part of it thought, is that I claimed to be a Christian the whole time that I lived that way. It took me a long time to figure out what being a Christian really was, and when I finally and truely accepted Jesus Christ into my life, it changed me forever. All I can hope is that you reading this right now have been or will be blessed with the same experience that I have had.

So, that's Holy Rollin, Eternal salvation, free pass, worship while you wait!!!