The placement of a donkey’s eyes in its’ head enables it to see all four feet at all times.


ar too often, we perceive the world through the lens of our emotions, feelings, and intuition. Meanwhile, a multitude of our problems can be solved with a tiny bit of math. Buy or rent a house? How long to boil an egg? Am I overweight? It takes a clear mind, a few minutes, and a mathematical formula to answer these questions. Three things that we often lack, so we go with hunches instead. With the Omni Calculator you don't have to rely on undependable hunches.

wo nerdy guys meet on the street one day. One of them notices that the other is on a shiny new bike. He calls out to the other: "Hey, nice bike! Where did you get it?"

"Well," replies the other, "I was taking a hike in the woods the other day when this pretty, young girl rides up on this bike. She jumps off, takes off all of her clothes, and says 'You can have ANYTHING you want!!'"

"Good choice," says the first, "her clothes wouldn't have fit you anyway."

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