A Greek-Canadian man invented the “Hawaiian” pizza.


his past week has been a wild week of weather in many parts of the United States, from heat waves to snowstorms to flash floods. Where can you find out what's next? The National Weather Service active watch/warning high-resolution map displays active watch, warnings, advisories and short-term forecasts in the lower 48 US states.

blind man is unafraid to travel and experience new things around the world. Eventually, his travels take him to Texas.

When he gets to his hotel room, he feels the bed. “Wow, this bed is huge!”

“EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas!” says the bellhop cheerfully.

The man heads downstairs to the restaurant, settles into a huge booth and orders his meal and a Pepsi. A glass is placed between his hands. “Wow, these drinks are enormous!”

The waiter disclaims: “EVERYTHING is big in Texas!”

After eating his meal, the blind man asks where the bathroom is.

“Second door to the right,” says the waiter.

The blind man heads for the bathroom but accidentally enters the third door, which leads to the swimming pool, and the poor guy falls right in. The few swimmers there were shocked when a man suddenly popped his head up from under the water flailing his arms and screaming, “Don’t flush, DON'T FLUSH!!!!!”

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