New Jersey grows two-thirds of the world’s eggplants.


uckle Up for Life is a national child passenger safety education program, created by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and Toyota to empower all families to buckle up and go safely. Our goal is to make every car ride safe for every child by educating caregivers around the country about safe travels - one family, one car seat, one lesson at a time.

hree young women who were co-workers wanted to do something new together so they decided to go hunting - something none of them had ever done. They took classes on safely shooting guns and hunting safety in general.

When they went in the field, they stumbled across a set of tracks.

The first one exclaimed, "Oh, look! Deer tracks!"

The second one said, "You dummy, those are definitely moose tracks."

The third one chimed in and said, "You're both wrong. Those are the biggest bear tracks I've ever seen!"

They started arguing about who was right and who was wrong. After about an hour they decided they were moose tracks.

And that's when the train hit them.

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