Castle Bisset

In today's House Of Humoronics

Surprise Ending!
The 2024 Fall Foliage Prediction Map
The Charm Of New Zealand
Somebody Needs A Spanking
Modern Times

Today's Inspiration

Our Impact On Others

If you're drunk or violent in Japan, police will take a plastic sheet and roll you up like a burrito. Police in Japan rarely ever resort to violence, as they choose to de-escalate the situation at hand first. After the wrapping, police will take the drunk or violent person to the station to let them calm down.

National Eat a Peach Day is dedicated to the eating of peaches during August, one of the harvest months for the fruit. Peaches are native to Northwest China, and China still produces over half of the world's peaches. Its scientific name, persica, stems from the erroneous European belief that it was native to Persia, which is present day Iran.

Peaches were brought to the Americas by the Spanish in the 16th century, possibly being planted in present day Georgia as early as 1571. By the early 17th century, they were being brought to the North American colonies from England. Founding Father Thomas Jefferson even had peaches growing at his estate, Monticello, but widespread commercial production of the fruit didn't start until the 19th century. Currently in the United States, Georgia is known as the "Peach State", although it follows California and South Carolina in total production of the fruit.

House Of Humoronics
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Color Codes
Post Cards
Clip Art
Search Engines
Lines And Bars
Betty Boop
Juke Box
Juke Box 2

Sir Joseph's Secret Passageway

Contributions to today's Castle Bisset have been made by:

Karen in New Jersey
Ruth in Pennsylvania
Cindy in Nova Scotia
Glenn in Texas
Karen Huang

Castle Bisset Editor



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