Castle Bisset

In today's House Of Humoronics

The Best Medicine
Somebody Messed Up Again
Today's Forecast
Joe Knows How to Handle Things at Home

Today's Inspiration

Convicted And Freed

Sperm whales hang vertically in the water with their noses poking out of the water when they sleep. They possess the most asymmetrical skull of any mammal - they also have the largest brain of any living animal, weighing up to 9.2 lbs.(4.2 kg). Sperm whales have been sonar tracked in dives exceeding 1.4 miles (2,250 m) but stomach contents indicate that sperm whales are capable of diving beyond 1.9 miles (3,000 m). The longest recorded dive for a sperm whale was in excess of 2 hours. Sperm whales receive their common name for the massive spermaceti organ located in the forehead region. This organ can hold up to 500 gallons (1,900 liters) of wax-like oil. Opinions differ as to the purpose of the spermaceti. Some scientists believe that variations in oil density may assist the sperm whale in adjusting its buoyancy during dives. Other scientists believe that the oil is used as an acoustic aid in the process of echolocation.

National Lemon Meringue Pie Day is dedicated to the popular dessert, lemon meringue pie. Traditionally, the pie has three components: short crusty pastry, lemon custard filling, and a meringue topping. These components are in this order, with the meringue on top and the pastry crust on the bottom, and there is no top crust. Lemon has been a flavor for custards and puddings since Medieval Times, but it was not until the 17th century that meringue was invented, being done so in the Swiss village of Meiringen. Meringue usually consists of egg yolks, lemon zest, sugar, and sometimes starch. Lemon meringue pie was invented in the 19th century, with early recipes coming from Switzerland.

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Color Codes
Post Cards
Clip Art
Search Engines
Lines And Bars
Betty Boop
Juke Box
Juke Box 2

Sir Joseph's Secret Passageway

Contributions to today's Castle Bisset have been made by:

Karen in New Jersey
Renni in Switzerland
Kate in New York
Glenn in Texas
James Banks

Castle Bisset Editor



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