Castle Bisset

In today's House Of Humoronics

What Home Inspectors Found
The Best Podcasts Of 2024 (So Far)
People Who Ignore Safety Regulations
The Last Selfie
Hunters' Problem

Today's Inspiration

Scripture Lovers

Believe it or not, Canadians eat more Kraft macaroni and cheese than Americans. Like, 55% more.

Professional truck drivers are honored and celebrated today with Truck Driver Day. In the United States, a driver is considered to be a truck driver when their vehicle has a gross vehicle weight—the weight of the vehicle loaded—of at least 26,000 pounds. They must obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL) to drive a vehicle of this weight. Employers often require their drivers to take a safety training program. As a result, truckers are the safest class of drivers on the road.

Truck drivers carry all kinds of freight — livestock, food, canned goods, liquids, packages, and vehicles — all across the United States and the world. They often have to load and unload their freight and must inspect their trucks before taking to the road. Truck drivers often ship products to stores, and some may have to undertake sales duties. Many truck drivers work long hours. Some may have daily local routes that keep them close to home, while others may have routes and schedules that often change, and many have to be away from home for an extended amount of time.

By the twenty-first century, trucking dominated the freight industry. As of 2021 there were about 168.6 million public, private, and commercial trucks on America's roads, which hauled about 70% of the country's freight. Truckers continue to play a prominent role in keeping the wheels of the economy turning, and for the hard work they put in to make this happen, they are honored and celebrated today!

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Color Codes
Post Cards
Clip Art
Search Engines
Lines And Bars
Betty Boop
Juke Box
Juke Box 2

Sir Joseph's Secret Passageway

Contributions to today's Castle Bisset have been made by:

Ruth in Pennsylvania
Karen in New Jersey
Sharon in Pennsylvania
Glenn in Texas
Arthur Jackson

Castle Bisset Editor



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