Castle Bisset

In today's House Of Humoronics

America's Funniest Moms
The 50 States
For Sale - Crazy Rides
My Friend Is Lost
What Marriage Teaches You

Today's Inspiration

The Beautiful One

In Washington state, there's a real-life law stating it's illegal to kill bigfoot and other sasquatch-like creatures. In 1969, Skamania County created ordinance 1969-01, a law that banned people from killing Bigfoot, should they ever find it. If they did, it would be considered a felony. The law states that Skamania County was a Sasquatch refuge, since the Bigfoot was an endangered species, so people were not allowed to hunt for him there. People who try may be punished with a gross misdemeanor or a misdemeanor and may be fined $1,000 with up to a year in the county jail.

Originally, it may have been meant as a joke, as the Board of County Commissioners created the ordinance on April 1, 1969. However, when more hoaxes came that claimed Bigfoot was real, more people were heading to the Pacific Northwest with the intention to track down and hunt Bigfoot. That meant the county saw plenty of visitors – armed with lethal weapons.

Respect for Parents Day lights up the calendar every year and is a perfect opportunity to do so. It’s a little nudge for us to pause and think about all the fantastic things parents do. From being our first teachers to our forever cheerleaders, they truly deserve a day all to themselves. Let your parents know how much you respect and appreciate them and take some time to show your own kids how to treat others with respect by example.

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Color Codes
Post Cards
Clip Art
Search Engines
Lines And Bars
Betty Boop
Juke Box
Juke Box 2

Sir Joseph's Secret Passageway

Contributions to today's Castle Bisset have been made by:

Ruth in Pennsylvania
Karen in New Jersey
Kate in New York
Glenn in Texas
Dave Branon

Castle Bisset Editor



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