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My, oh My! What a mess!

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This is me. Hello, my name is Desirae. Welcome to mi casa! Yes, this is a personal webpage and I will be 21 in May.

Check out my other page!

I am in the midst of a new HTML Editor so my site is currently all but deleted. I am available for comment, questions, and suggestions. Just email me!!

I'm not sure how long this will take because I'm in classes again and I'm working on getting another job plus some personal strife in my life... that's all keeping me pretty much busy.

Check out "Home"!

Check out my photos!

I don't know when I'll have the site updated and completed yet. Click on the "Update Me" button on the Angelfire banner at the top of this page. I'm working on everything so please be patient with me. Thank you!

Last updated on FEBRUARY 04, 2001 at 7:40PM     Desirae's Mailbox