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Cybertemple of IxChel

IxChel in the 'Dresden Codex' (one of the few Codices -holy scroll books of the Mayans -not burnt by the Christian missionary terrorist Bishop Diego de Landa in 1560's)

------------- IxChel is the Mayan Goddess of the Moon, weaving, love , war, birth and death.
It may sound strange to many for one Goddess to govern both love and war..or both birth and death. But IxChel is a Goddess of the duality of nature.
Birth, midwifery, and pregnancy being the beginning of life and death being the end of that cycle.

My favorite Ixchel modern art by Thalia Took showing her crone, mother and maiden stages.

IxChel is often associated wit the sacred animal of the Mayans the Jaguar.
She also is often shown with the rabbit, in her maiden form as the protector of mothers and children.
She is shown as a crone with a snake on her head with a hunched back poring water from a pot.
In Her role as the Goddess of love, She is sometimes shown as a beautiful fancy dressed woman...often weaving on her loom..or sitting on a crescent moon symbol.

Another favorite modern Artist of mine, Susan Boulet's IxChel painting.

IxChel has a still standing (mostly) temple in Cozumel, on Isla Mujeres,and a nearby site also dedicated unto her at what the Spanish called ' San Gervasio'
and both these are visited by many Cruise ship tourists daily.

IxChel and Rabbit statue from approx: 800 common era.

The Mayan Moon Goddess was known as Karaya by the Taino Indians of the Caribbean Islands.

Karaya, Moon Goddess altar in the Bahamas painting By Ginger Strivelli

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