~Pics Of My Friends~

~*Me N My Friend Amba kissing :muwah: bebe*~

~*Me and mah buddy Drew Boo*~

~*me and mah bestfriend Lee, luv u girl!*~

~*me and lee again :muwahz bebe:*~

~*me n mah homegurl jasmine*~

~*me n mah bestguy friend, we've been friends since 5th grade, luv u JOHN!*~

~*meh n tiffany, sowwie fella's, she gotta baby and a husband, but she's a cutie*~

~*meh n tom,he's such a cutie*~

~*meh n tom again*~

~*my ex army boyfriend, he's a sweetie though*~

~*mah friends from mah senior year, luv u all!*~

~*Cj, Me, Jay, Lee, and Freak Chillin at my house before Flavor 5*~

~*this is the love of my life, my bestfriend jay*~

~*joes seski ass*~

~*all my friends in high point, I'm in the baby blue sweater*~

~*me and mah homeboy sun looking ghetto as fawk*~

~*me and sun again*~