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Romantic Thoughts

We dress them in halos, we dress them in wings

It's a dream that's experienced when an angel sings.

But, I stopped and dared to question,

A thought that crossed my mind...

That angels are quite special-they're one of a kind.

But, should they have feelings like you and I do?

Can they feel pain and sorrow?

Does their hurt ever get through?

They're supposed to be invincible - no feelings at all

But, do they ever feel anything should one slip and fall?

A friend I call special just shared this with me,

That angels are people with feelings, you see.

They're kind and devoted, content and demure,

Who'll never desert you of that, be quite sure.

So, I've changed my logic and reasoning to prove..

Their emotions like ours, by feelings do move.

Keep pain to a minimum, give goodness a try.

With me you'll agree that angels do cry.

To the "friends I call special" - I'll always love you!

Dedicated To All Lifes Angels...

Written this day .. June 17, 2000(Update February 2004}

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