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Breast Feeding Tips Page

Things my mother told me Tips from other moms What I like about nursing Pumping tips
Tips from handling engorgement Tips on increasing milk supply Weaning tips

Things my mother told me about breastfeeding

  • Make sure the baby is not just sucking on the tip of the nipple.
  • * It doesn’t mean that you are nursing wrong if you get sore nipples or get blisters. Your nipples just may need to get toughen upped. Don’t your hands blister, when you do a lot of yard work!
  • ( If you do have really sore or blistering nipples, please contact LLL leader or lactation consultant, to verify that positioning is correct or if there is some other reason for the soreness and blistering.)
  • * Drink water and lots of it. The more you drink the better.
  • (It's good to always drink a glass of water when nursing. If you are not dehydrated it will not increase your milk supply. But it's good to drink it to provent dehydration. When can you drink to much water, more than one gallon a day is to much. But most of us drink less than a 20 oz.)
  • Just take your shirt and bra off and let nature do the rest.
  • Relax and enjoy holding your baby topless. You’ll be surprised at what the baby will put in it’s own mouth.
  • Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, and when you’re done, relax some more.
  • Eat a little chocolate it always increased by milk supply. (What a placebo this was for me.)
  • *Weigh the baby before you fed him. Then weigh him after his done eating.
  • (This worked for me, but I've been told that it can cause stess for some mothers. You may not always see a weight change. The best way to tell of your baby is getting effect milk is by doing a diaper count.)
  • You’re just going to love that milk smile!
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Pumping Tips

  • Get a good breast pump. If you are pumping daily, get a Medela in-style ($200), or rental hospital grade pump. For once in a while pumping, get the Medela hand pump.
  • Use a picture of your baby, and/or tape your baby crying and play it when you are pumping.
  • Think about handing and loving your baby, when you are pumping.
  • Drink water as you pump.
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Tips from other breastfeeding mothers

  • The book "Bestfeeding, Getting Breastfeeding Right for You," by Renfrew, Fisher and Arms is the best book I have found purely about the mechanics of latch-on and breastfeeding. The best part is that Suzanne Arms took tons of pictures of breastfeeding Moms, so you can see exactly what's wrong and what's right. The text is by lactation consultants who have helped many women correct all kinds of problems in a breastfeeding clinic they were involved in. This book had the best, most detailed advice about the positioning of the mother, positioning of the baby and proper latch-on, with real life pictures to demonstrate.
  • If the hospital suggests bottle feeding, insist that the baby be fed by a medicine dropper by your family if your family can do it, or by you if you are able.
  • Just in case you run into a problem breastfeeding, network in your area before the baby is born, so you know where your La Leche League Leader is, where private lactation consultants are, how to contact the hospital ones if you can't afford private. It is better to be prepared and know where you need to go if you need help. Once the baby comes you may be to tired or stressed out to find the help you need.
  • Pregnant ladies should massage their nipples frequently for the months preceding birth to help toughen them. Letting them be exposed to the sun a few minutes each day, while nursing also helps. My midwife gave this advice, which I followed, and I did not have much of a problem with sore nipples when nursing 2 single babies, and twins. (not at the same time) - Amanda
  • If your baby doesn't open his/her mouth wide enough for a good latch on. Try pressing down on his/her chin with one finger. This worked really well for my little one. - Jodie
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Things that I like best about breastfeeding

  • No bottles to clean.
  • No making and/or warming up bottles in the middle of the night.
  • Breastmilk doesn't stain clothing.
  • Don't need a diaper bag. The diaper and wipes can fix in my purse.
  • The breastmilk smile, I got from my baby.
  • Having one hand free, when feeding the baby. I can do alot of things when breastfeeding. (Like one handed typing, cooking, reading to the other children, answer the phone, or door. But the thing I like to do best with that free hand is caress the nursing baby.
  • Being so close to my baby.
  • Have you tasted formula? Breastfeed milk is sweet. Formula is yukky.
  • Nursing my baby makes/helps me relax.
  • I got more sleep. The baby nurses in bed, so I'm only half awake, and still resting.
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Engorgement Tips

  • Pump a little milk out of each breast to relieve the pain.
  • Nurse the your baby
  • Take a warm shower.
  • Apply a warm compress to the breast.
  • A gentle breast massage. With the palm of your hand stroke gentle down to the nipple.
  • Use cabbage leaves. Remove the main vein, cut a whole for the nipple and apply directly to the breast.
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Weaning Tips

  • Get a nipple as close to the mother nipple shape as possible.
  • Have daddy do the bottle feedings at first.
  • Use express breast milk in the bottle at first. Then over time move to formula.
  • Take it slow. It will take time for both of you to adjust.
  • Remember, that your baby sometimes nurses for comfort. So increase holding time when not feeding.
  • Try using a cup not a bottle.
  • If over one, distract child by playing games or going for a walk at normal nursing times.
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Increasing your milk supply

  • Nurse your baby more often, and for as long has they will nurse.
  • Pump in between feedings.
  • Let the baby feed for one breast, and pump from the other.
  • Make sure your are nursing on both breasts at each feeding. If your baby only nurses off of one breast pump the other.
  • If you work outside of the home and are pumping your milk. You need to pump more times than your baby would nurse. Ex: If your baby would nurse 4 times, you need to pump 5 or 6 times to get the same amount of milk.
  • Make sure you are drinking effect and eating well balanced meals.
  • If you have to supplement your baby, ask your doctor or midwife about a supplemental feeding device. This allows your baby to suck at your breast while getting the supplement. This sucking will help increase your milk
  • Try to relax when you are nursing. It will help your let-down. Watching TV or listening to music my help you.
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