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Angie's Breastfeeding Story

Cheyanne Kay

This is my daughter, Cheyanne Kay. She will be 6 months old on Monday. We had a very rocky start with breastfeeding. The nurses at the hospital weren't any help, and thank God my Mom was here to help us out! The nurses wanted to gie her bottle instead of helping us. I didn't let that happen! Then, at 4 weeks I got mastitis. Finally at 6 weeks, I was tried of sore nipples and a found a lacation consultant. What an angel! Cheyanne and I finally got the hang of things now, but I have had mastitis 4 times all in the first four months! I truly enjoy breastfeeding, and everyone I know that is pregnant I am strongly trying to encourage them to breastfeed their babies.

Angie Dierickx
Mesa, AZ

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