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Marla and Jennifer's Breastfeeding Story

When I was expecting my baby who is now a toddler, I thought I had it all figured out. I was definately going to nurse my baby because the benefits far outweighed the negatives. I was sure that I would nurse for only a year, lose all of my pregnancy weight and have a pocketful of cash because of all the money I saved nursing. Well, 16 months later I am still nursing my little Jennifer and she shows no signs of wanting to stop. In fact she refers to my breasts as "that." She points and cries and I feel that the bond and emotional support breasfeeding brings her is something that I cannot deny her at this point. In many ways I would like to wean her because my husband and I are wanting to have another baby. But Jennifer seems to be allergic to cow's milk. I tried to give her milk at age 1 only to have a struggle with ongoing ear infections. So, nursing is definately the best option for us right now.

As for losing weight while breastfeeding, I cannot say that is has helped but I haven't gained any either. And I know that I have saved a substantial amount of money breastfeeding as well, not only in the cost of formula and milk, but in doctor's copayments and antibiotics due to the ear infections she would have inevetably gotton from cow's milk.

So, when jennifer wakes up from her nap and cries "that" I'll go with the flow as one mother put it and give in to her cry. Her look of sheer ecstacy while nursing is enough to show me how much she enjoys the closness she feels to mama while nursing.

Marla (age 26) mother of Jennifer (age 16mo.)

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