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Zachary's Breastfeeding Story

I have really enjoyed reading everyone's stories. I was in the Army when I had Zachary. Alot of people told me that I would not be able to breastfeed and work a twelve hour day. But with the help of a support group, a sister who was nursing at the time and a hand held breast pump I did it! After about two weeks the sore, cracked nipples healed and we were getting the hang of it. Zac had no problem going back and forth between bottle and breast, I was really concerned about that. From the moment my milk came in I was stocking up in the freezer for when I returned to work. I got out of the Army when Zac was 4 months old. He is know 7 months old and doing great. I started Zac on solids at six months and he drinks juice from a sippy cup. Breastfeeding has been a wonderful experience and I know that it is the best nutrition I can give My child. I don't know how long I will breastfeed, I am just going to let Zac decide when he is ready to stop.

My name is Melanie if anyone needs any advice, support, or just wants to talk e-mail me at

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