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Alex's Breastfeeding Story

My name is Linda and my son Alexander is now 3 1/2 months old. Alex was born on 8/18/97 at 7:20 PM and weighed 6 lbs 1 oz. He was 5 weeks premature. My labor had to be induced due to pre-eclampsia.

I had made my decision to nurse my baby almost from the moment I found out I was pregnant because I had 2 other children and did not succeed at nursing them so I was determined this time around.

I had terrible pain from sore nipples for about a week when Alex was about 2 months old but once I got some pure lanolin from the drug store (this was reccommended to me by my La Leche League leader) all was well again. I am planning on nursing as long as possible, hopefully until my son goes on regular milk. I feel that this is the most natural thing for us and it helps to have the support of my husband.

I have nursed everywhere you can imagine! Friend's homes, McDonald's, video arcade, the local K-mart (while waiting for my turn at the photography studio!) and the movies. That is one of the best things about nursing, you can do it anywhere!!!

At around 2 months I began to pump a little because my husband and I were going to a wedding on 11/28. Every morning I pump 2 oz and freeze it so that I have about 20 to 24 ounces on hand in my freezer right now! At seven weeks, Alex began to sleep through the night and now sleeps about 10 to 11 hours at night.

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