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Collection of Breastfeeding Happenings


I was pregnant with my second son when Tim weaned at 29 months. I was careful that he would not see me naked as that would remind him of his "nummies". One evening he threw up all over himself and me. YUK! I put him in the shower with me. Upon seeing my naked, pregnant body he said "Great big nums, how wonderful". Cristi

My name is Cristi Ludwig, and I am the proud mother of my first child, Gregory Travis. I had decided to breastfeed while I was pregnant, and I had gotten pretty discouraged at times because I got a lot of negative response. People would say, "But formula is so much more convenient." I also heard all of the stories of the sore nipples, and the inadequate milk supplies. Unlike many nursing women, I am not a member of La Leche Leage. I think it is a great organization; I am just more comfortable getting my information through books and research. I also do not nurse in public, not necessarily because I think that there is anything wrong with it, but because I am just not personally comfortable. My son in three months old now, and in spite of all the naysayers, we are doing great. He eats usually every two to three hours during the day, and usually sleeps through the night. I could not imagine not breastfeeding. The bond is incredible. I love looking down at my little angel while I am feeding him. It was tough at first, because I did get sore, but the benefits far outweigh any problems that I have had.


I am still nursing my son, he's thirteen months old now and showing no sign of losing interest. I've been wondering how many other mothers are in the same position. People are starting to look at me funny for continuing to nurse him.

I'm lucky in many respects. One of the things I'm most thankful for is that my wonderfully supportive parents take care of him during the day while I'm at work. At lunchtime they bring him to me and I nurse him during my lunch hour. It's been wonderful for me because I can see him, feed him and play with him during my busy day. I think this has helped us stay connected. I also think he's just the kind of kid who like nursing. His eating pattern hasn't really changed since I went back to work when he was four and a half months old. He likes to try my food and eats pretty hearty meals with his grandparents. When I'm around he prefers to nurse and I think it's the easiest way to feed him.

I've decided to let my baby take the lead during the weaning process. I think we both enjoy it and get a lot out of it. I'm glad I decided to breastfeed and I will never regret having done it.

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