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Charmaine 's Breastfeeding Story.

Isn't it funny? It seems that when your baby reaches the age of 1 year it is almost as if in other peoples eyes...especially those who don't have children that your baby in no longer a baby? And they shouldn't be breastfed any longer!

Well I always thought that I would go with the flow (ha excuse the pun) and let my babies decide when they would stop.

Well my son Leigh now four years old weaned himself at 14 months. Now my daughter Zoe Renae is a very different story:) She will turn two on Nov 22 and she is still going, as a matter of fact she is currently trying to get into my nightie:)

I am now waiting for people to keep commenting but it seems they may be scared of the glint in my eye and aren't game enough:) I must confess though that it seems like I would like to wean her but I don't like to hear her crying for it. A friend, who never breastfed her two keeps joking that I will be feeding here at 3..secretly I hope not:)


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