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Renee’s Breastfeeding Story.

Background: I have 5 kids all nursed. Luckily in the olden days (my son is 11), I had good support. I was lucky I guess. When my first daughter was 3 months old I had to have gallbladder surgery my little nursling would not part with nursing. I had pumped many bottles in anticipation of the surgery. Everyone was sure they were gonna be the ones to get her to drink the bottle. Well forget. So I contacted a lactation consultant and she helped me with an SNS thinking she would suck a finger. No way would she do it.

Well to make this long story short I was able to take my daughter with me into the hospital. She stayed with me for the 5 days. I had the old kinda major surgery for the removal of my gall bladder it was no piece of cake pain wise. This story was supposedly the first of its kind the local newspapers printed the story. We had our five minutes of fame.

I had to have a private duty nurse for her and one for me. By this time you must be thinking oh no husband, wrong he was around and very supportive I had to do some research I got a really good list of drugs that were OK and I had the lactation consultant be there when the surgery was over so she could help me to nurse. Was it worth it? I sure thought so at the time but now I don't know.

3 kids later I guess I was a little fanatical at the time.

lease check out the story of my latest kid rivky and the rabbi There is a whole story about her I could write ...


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