Disclaimer: All characters (except for Erica Silver and the Silver Fox) are copyright of Warner Brothers and D.C. Comics (I think). The Silver Fox Saga : Part 3 Erica raced down the freeway, a thousand thoughts spinning in her head and twice times a thousand Jokers laughing in her ears. She was so preoccupied, she nearly missed the exit she was looking for. Speeding down the exit ramp, she wondered what she was going to do when she got there. Then the realization struck her that she might get there, only to find everything was under control. Steering with on hand, she typed furiously on the small keyboard she'd installed on her bike's dashboard. Static crackled through tiny speakers, then recognizable sound. It was the right frequency, and the longer she listened, the more her stomach sank. Wayne was literally screaming through the transmitter at Terry who, from what Erica could tell, hadn't yet made it off the ground. Joker laughter could be heard faintly, usually preceded by a kicking sound and a moan. There. The laughter was louder and clearer now, obviously not coming from the speakers. "Who's afraid of the big, bad Bat?" mocking voices chanted and rage boiled in Erica. Pressing the gas harder than she'd ever dared, Erica zoomed down the alley so fast, she nearly ran over two Jokers in the process. Pity, she thought angrily, I wish I had. "Oooh!" one of them said in fake terror. "Look out, gentlemen. We're about to be taught a lesson by Batman's girlfriend!" Erica chuckled. "What's so funny?" the Joker demanded. "The fact that you think you're gentlemen!" she replied and swung her right leg up, kicking him in the jaw. They circled her, cracking jokes all the way in true Joker fashion. Erica desperately wanted to take off her helmet; there were too many blind spots for her liking with it on. But she didn't dare let them see her face. She was to be nothing more than a girl to them, not a face and not a name. One darted towards her, attempting to catch her off guard. She spun quickly around and swung her leg so that her foot collided with the side of his head. One down, one out and five more to go, she thought. I really don't like these odds. "No way, girlie," the Joker she had kicked in the jaw whispered, with some difficulty. "No way you'll win with all us against just you and Batsy there." And her jerked his thumb contemptuously in Terry's direction. Erica was desperately scrabbling for a plan. This was one time she couldn't fight her way out, not with Terry out of it and five . . . no, six very angry Jokers. She smiled. It was so crazy, it just might work, but she'd have to be fast. "Listen," she said, "I'm sure, being clowns and all, you like a good magic trick. Am I right?" The gang looked at each other, a little confused, then the Joker with the sore jaw, apparently the leader, nodded. "Sure, girlie," he grinned. "We wanna see this little trick of yours." "Watch very closely," she instructed. "This is one trick you'll never forget." Carefully, she walked over to Terry and helped him to his feet. "I'm getting you out of here," she whispered, hoping he could hear her. "Just play along." One of the Jokers stepped forward, as if to stop her, but the leader held him back. "I want to see what girlie here is up to. We'll wait. If anything starts getting outa hand, we can stop `em. There's more of us than them, remember?" Erica led Terry to the bike sat him on it as best she could. "Now, my esteemed felons, for the moment you've all been waiting for," she said in her best dramatic voice. "I'm going to make Batman, this bike, and myself disappear." As she spoke, she slowly and carefully straddled the bike. "Now," she told them, "close your eyes, or the trick won't work." The Jokers shrugged and, as obediently as kindergartners, closed their eyes. This was too easy, Erica thought, as she typed on the keyboard. The bike sprang to life, but instead of its usual rumble, there was only a soft hum. Deciding she had pressed her luck enough, she hit the accelerator and zoomed off, leaving the Jokers standing there still with their eyes closed. As she drove off, Erica thought she heard the sounds of shouting and cursing, and smiled. Terry lay slumped against her back, not moving. Pressing a button on the keyboard, Erica tapped into the cowl frequency. "Wayne," she said. "It's me, Erica. I've got you-know-who and I'm headed back to the cave. I know a long way, so we shouldn't have to worry too much about nosy late-night drivers." "I'm not even going to ask how you got him out of there," came Wayne's reply. Erica grinned in spite of herself. "Don't worry," she assured him. "You won't have to ask. I'll tell you anyway." Suddenly, she heard a moan. "Uh-oh," she said, "Sleeping Beauty's waking up. Gotta go." Terry stirred and let out a shout of surprise. "Erica?" he asked, the tone of his voice betraying how dazed he was. "How'd I get here?" "You had a little run-in with the pavement. Literally," she told him. "Now hold still or you're going to tip the bike over." A few minutes later, she was coasting to a stop in front of the steps of Wayne Manor. Erica helped Terry off, letting him drape one arm over her shoulder for support. "You know," she remarked, as they headed for the clock, "with all the special padding and protection gear in that suit, I'm surprised it didn't have a crash helmet in the cowl." "That," Terry said, "is something I'm going to have to take up with Wayne." They made it to the BatCave at last and Terry carefully pulled the cowl off. A large bruise forming on his head and a dried rusty- brown line were evidence of his collision with the ground. "Man," Terry muttered. "My mom will kill me when I get home. Not to mention what she'll say when she sees this." "I'll call her," Wayne said. "I'll tell her I'm sorry I kept you out all night, but it really was necessary. You're going to spend the night here, given what time it is and how tired you are. By tomorrow, the swelling should have gone down somewhat. It can pass as . . . you walked into a door frame." Erica grinned. "Given Terry, it's a reasonable excuse," she said. Wayne smiled slightly and Terry glared at them both. "As much as I would love to stay and chat, I've got to be getting home," Erica yawned. "The hours stink, but the benefits to having a night life are endless." With another yawn, she left. Terry and Wayne stared after her, bewildered. "Did you ever meet anyone who-" Terry began. "No," Wayne finished for him. "Never." THE END...FOR NOW. Yes, it's over. Not, mind you, that I'm never doing any more Silver Fox stories. I'm working on a new concept now. I'll get it in as soon as I can. `Till then, you'll just have to settle for what I've got up now. As I say on all my closing notes: Q&A? Comments? E-mail me at MSnyder205@aol.com. Remember: Put fanfic, Silver Fox, Silver Fox fanfic, or something like that in the subject box so I don't thinks its spam or a virus and delete it. Now that the monotony is taken care of, let's get to something original. I hope you liked my story (all three parts). I know this part was the shortest, but then, given the length of the others, I thought I'd try to balance it out a bit. Oh well. That, my readers, is all for now. Until next time, see ya!