Story by Larry Hall Back To The Past (PART 2) The 1966 Batman couldn't believe the intruder in the Bat-Cave. "Who are you?" he asked. "Who are you?" he replied, "I'm Batman from 2016." "Holy time travel, Batman! You think he's telling the truth or he might be one of The Joker's spies?" asked Robin. "We'll see Robin." said Batman 1966, "OK Batman 2016, I'm going to give you a gas mask & ask you some questions. If the air turns into water, you're telling the truth. Otherwise if it turns red, you lied." Batman hands him a gas mask to put on. "What's your real name?" "Terry McGinnis." "What's my real name?" "Bruce Wayne." "How did you get here?" "Through a time machine. My visit can only be two hours." When Batman took his oxygen breath & analysed it, he found clear water. Batman couldn't believe he was telling the truth. Just then, the Batphone beeped as Batman answered it. "Yes Commissioner?" "The Joker's out on the loose again. It's up to you to stop him." "We'll be right on it." So Batman & Robin went to their Batmobile. "Hey what about me?" asked Batman 2016. "Gotham City doesn't need 2 Batmans." said Batman, "Stay in the Bat-Cave!" As Batman & Robin left, the 2016 Batman decided to fight crime on his own. So he drove off on their Bat-Cycle to catch up to him. When he drove, he saw Batgirl drive next to him on her Batgirl Cycle. "Nice change of wardrobe, Batman!" she said. "You're a babe yourself, Batbabe!" he said. Batgirl didn't know that was the 2016 Batman @ all. At the Joker's Hideout, the Joker had Batman & Robin tied up in prepetual peril. "WILL BATMAN & ROBIN ESCAPE? WILL THE JOKER HAVE THE LAST LAUGH? TUNE IN NEXT TIME, SAME BAT-TIME, SAME..." "Not a cliffhanger, announcer!" exclaimed a voice. It was the 2016 Batman rescuing 1966 Batman & Robin. "I thought I told you to stay put!" he said. The Joker couldn't believe to find 2 different Batmans. So after the famous fight (POW, SPLAT, PAM, OUCH, etc.), Batman 2016 left to go back to the future. Back @ the Bat-Cave in 2016, Bruce saw Batman come back from 1966. "I can't believe that you were that campy back then!" exclaimed Terry. "It was innocent times back then." said Bruce, "I did some outrageous things, surfing, playing a flute." "In the costume?" he asked, "I bet you never played the guitar as Batman." "Once in a JLA Telethon." said Bruce. A week later, Matt came home from celebrating his birthday. "Mom, where's Terry?" he asked, "I bet he thought he was too grown-up to attend a kids birthday party." "Maybe so." said his mother, "Or maybe Bruce has him working." When Matt went to his bedroom, he found a surprise waiting for him. "Happy birthday Matt." "Cool! Batman's in the room!" exclaimed Matt asking, "Do you play the guitar?" "Only when I'm not crimefighting." said Batman, "But since it's your birthday, I'll play for you. Terry told me I could borrow his guitar." Batman started playing a cool laser electric guitar solo. Then he played a rhythm riff & started singing, "Batman doesn't need to be high by taking drugs, If he finds drug dealers, I'll beat those thugs. Say no to drugs, you got to beleive, You can believe, achieve & succeed!" Batman played another guitar solo. When he finished, Matt was pumped! "You should make a CD!" "Batman never does music. But I'll always play for you. Happy birthday Matt!" as Batman exited away.