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The College Life

Hey, If you are here, then I guess you want to know a little about college life. It's great, the pictures don't justify the experience. I know that there aren't many on this page, I haven't had but a few days to make the site, so please be patient, there will be more, but enjoy what's here now.

Study Time

This is Derrick and Sara. Computers are a big part of college I think, but I really don't know. Derrick goes to NCSU, Wolfpack sucks!! And Sara is my pal, she lives in A cock, ur, Aycock Dorm. She also attends UNC like me, Go HEELS!!


This is Dan. I thought that he was so unique a person, that he gets his own category. He is also A wolfpack(they suck)!! Dan is a runway model, notice his stance and posture, Sorry Dan couldn't resist.

The Big Boys

These other two guys are my suitemates, from left to right, it's Brian, Me, and Eddie(Eddie's page). This is the night that we here at UNC cheered as we whopped State's Ass.


These girls are friends of mine, Amber, Brooke, and Allison. They live in Hinton James with me.


This is my friend Crystal.

Those Crazy Girls

These girls live on the second floor of Hinton James, and they are insane. From left to right is Emily, Mysha, and Jessica.

State Sucks

This is a picture of some of my friends from the fifth floor, posing after the N.C.State, Carolina game.


For all those females out there that think that men don't cook and clean, here is proof. This is me and my friend Will(VMI) and my friend Edho, be sure to visit his website.

Those Guys

These are my suite mates, except Brian Waterhouse, he lives in the suite next door. Left to right is Waterhouse, Justin, Mike, and on the bottom is Brian Kerney, we call him Kerney.


This is a picture of me and Waterhouse in front of a Planters peanut sign.


This is Eddie. He is a pimp. Pimp Eddie, Pimp.

(the girls are Molly and Emily)

The Babes

These are some more of my friends. They don't live in Hinton James, or go to UNC for that matter. Athena, Bridget and Heidi. Go Miss World!

More 2nd Floor

These are some more friends from the second floor, Lori, in the middle, and Suzanne on the right. The other girl is Lori's friend,Holly. I remember her name now.


These are two of my friends Emily, 7th floor, and Tiffany, 8th floor. They are just chillin' on Mike's couch.

The Big Mug

This is Ed, as you know from previous pictures, but now he is drinking from what we call the "Big Mug" his birthday present from Danyele. Deaver watches in amazement as Ed takes his first drink.


This is a picture that the guys thought would be funny if they took it, while I was asleep. It is a horrible picture, but it's kinda funny.

Ed's Ladies

This is a picture of Ed and his friends from Charlotte. They are all really nice and their names are Emily, Leah, and Jules.

Ed's Family

This is a picture of Ed's brother Noah, friend Neil, brother Jake, friend Deaver, Danyele, and Baron. They are all really cool people.


Yet another picture of Mike passed out, well asleep anyway.

Ed and Britni

This is another picture of Ed and a girl, Britni. I know that I have quite a few pictures of Ed and girls, but that's only because I am taking the picture.

The Teaching Fellows

Yet another picture of Ed and a girl, Logan, they are both teaching fellows scholars.

The Captain

Arghhhhhh. This is my roommate Ben.


This is me. I was a little sick after Ed's birthday party

Them Girls

This is three of my good friends from highschool. They went to the KoRn concert with me. Audrey, Amanda, and Lydia.


This is Emily and Tiffany at our last suite party on the 19th of February.

The Two K's

The two K's, Kathleen and Kerny. They look so cute.


We are preparing for the party. Mike, Chad, and Me are ready for the suite party.

Oh Yeah

These guys know how it's done. Derrick, Mike, Dan, and Matt at the suite party.


This is a little camera shot of the hallway of our suite during the suite party. Notice the Hula theme!!


Those Guys

This is Brian and Brad. Beer is good. Drink fellows, drink.



One of those rare moments when cameras are really fun.



These guys are some friends that went sailing with Captain Morgan one night. Set sail for adventure.


Ed and Davina

Yet another picture of Eddie and a girl. This is Davina, his "friend."



This is Nathan. He is a little tired after beating the crap out of some drunk guy.


Mysha and Emily

This was taken at our last party, A pajama party, before they went and changed into their p.j.s.


Pajama Night

This is a picture of me and Molly's sister Betsy. It was taken at our pajama party, it was so much fun. And it is a picture of me with my beard thingie, for everyone who I sent to the site.

Emily Stancil

This is Emily, she is a model with Elite out of Atlanta, Georgia. She is the only actual model on this page, the other people are really just friends, but i don't care.

The Boys

Then we have Ben, Cliff, and Chad, which they really aren't models, but any cash that you can throw their way would help.


Now come some strangers that I took a picture of one day, well, not really. From left to right we have Kelly and Bridget, Brandon and Josh, oh and visit Josh's page(plug), it's on my links.


We all decided to go get chinesse as our last meal together, before the end of the the semester.


This is my friend Kathy, this was taken right after the game on Saturday against Tulsa.

I am not going to give any more comentary, I am just going to let you see the pictures.